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Family Update

Hi family, friends and visitors. Thanks for stopping in! I hope you are enjoying my web page.

Grandchildren seem to be springing up everywhere for Chuck and me. We are the proud grandparents of 5 sweet babies and one little girl on the way this month. We are truly blessed!

We recently visited with Mary, Devan, Elizabeth and Nathan for Nathan's first birthday party. They have grown so much it's unbelievable and they are so cute! Elizabeth will be 3 in July and I guess we forgot how much difference a few months can make. Elizabeth was so cute and was showing me her new pre-computer toy. Nathan was very shy but he certainly enjoyed all his birthday presents. I think his favorite was a drum he received. We enjoyed every minute of our visit and hope to see them again soon.

Nathan & Elizabeth

Morgan is now 19-months old. She is so active and smart and also very sweet. She has learned so many words and is continuing to learn more each day. She is a typical little girl who loves her baby dolls. Recently her mother saw her pretending to drink from a miniature tea set. It's amazing how quick they learn.


Elijah is 15-months old and is such a big boy for his age. He has an unbelievable personality and he's very sweet and snuggly. He's also all boy! He loves to throw things, play with anything that resembles a stick and stomp on things. He will soon be a big brother to his little sister, Yasmin, once she makes her entrance into this world.


Jenna recently gave birth to a baby boy named Jack. Her husband and parents are thrilled. This is Wayne & Lynda's first grandchild. My brother, Wayne, said his new name is Grandood! I just love it! Congratulations Jenna & Derek. To read more about Jenna's birth experience go to My Pasture and read the article titled "A Heart of Worship."

Jenna & baby Jack

June & July Birthdays & Anniversaries of Family & Friends

Sandie -- June 6
Phillip -- June 12
Theresa -- June
Micah -- June 24
Taylor -- June 25
Denise -- July 3
Mary -- July 4
Elizabeth -- July 5
Lidian -- July 9
Katie -- July 24
Ivey -- July 26
Kel -- July 27
Diane -- July 29

Please let me know if I have forgotten someone's birthday or anniversary and I will be happy to add it. Thanks!

Scripture to Ponder

Deuteronomy 6:6,7
And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Daily Verse!

Verse Changes Everyday!

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