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To go nuclear or to not go nuclear, that is the question:  The dilemma India and Pakistan face.



Learn about the current situation and the polarities created

A paper demonstrating my understanding of the dilemma

How I have grown as a thinker and as an authority on this topic

Answers and solutions

What the world will come to if we cannot fix it

What others have to say.  Beware of Bias!!!

Read up on more issues taken from an objective stance.

Learn a little about who I am and what defines me.


Welcome to my site dedicated to the study of the nuclear presence in India and Pakistan.


My name is Rizwan Parvez, I'm a 1st-year student at Duke University (Go Blue-Devils).  I'm a electrical engineering major, but I also possess a keen interest in history, especially that of the Indian sub-continent (of which my heritage comes from as my family is from Bangladesh).  Why the interest in history you ask?  Well, because without it, mankind would be lost.  We would not know where we came from, we would not know where we are going.  You will see my point throughout the website.

Many of the websites out in cyberspace provide excellent information regarding the subject of the rivalry between India and Pakistan.  However, what is often overseen is the bias at which the views and opinions is taken from.  My objective here, is to provide, you the researcher, the curious one, a non-biased outlook on the situation so we can become enlightened together.  Enjoy!

-Rizwan Parvez
Duke University c/o 2004


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