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Dolls and Companions


    Everyone has something that is special to them, and to a lot of women it is their dolls. 

    There are many reasons dolls are special.   To some they just like dolls, or it could be they just want to remember their childhood.  They can be antique dolls, Barbie dolls, GI Joes, Superman, Star Trek or a special Teddy Bear.  Women know we are not the only ones to have special companions for many men have had very special playmates.  They could be like me and have special dolls from their childhood.

    I have two dolls (both now sixty years old) that were given to me in nineteen forty before my Dad was killed in nineteen forty one.  I also have four other dolls that mean a lot to me for various other reasons.

    My husband hung onto my tow dolls after we were married and they were in pitiful shape, but we were able to find a man who was able to repair them for us and I decided to let them tell their own stories.

    I am very proud of my babies and if there is anyone out there who would like to share their companion and story with us, we would be happy to add your to our list.

                                                               Pauline Pruett


Andy Nelson (Little Andy) Sigmon Pruett's Story

Brittany LeAnn Hurt Pruett's Story

Carin & Darin Sigmon Pruett's Story

Petulah Pruett's Story

G I Joe's Story

Nancy's Story


 My Ancestors

© 2007 Dolls and Companions created &
updated on a regular basis, is owned and managed by Pauline Pruett.

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