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Welcome To A Safe Place

I am hoping this page will be a place where queer kids, not only in my town, but everywhere, will be able to find, and feel a little bit better about themselves.

I was inspired by the Milennium March on Washington that I attended yesterday (can we say sunburn?)

Not only were there 800,000 gay people there, there were also families of gays, speakers who gave a positive message to all of us and children who are not bigoted and full of hate.

I want this to be a message for everyone. I am trying to reach people in or near Woodbridge, Virginia. I am a lesbian and I am proud of who I am. I am proud of the love I have with my girlfriend. But some of you are not.

I know how scary it can be to find yourself faced with this every day. But until you find the strength to be who you are with no fear, you have to have a support group.

I am hoping my little page will be where someone, if only one person, can find a little bit of help. I am not very computer savvy, so i can't make message boards and chat rooms, and all that neat-o stuff. But I can help any of you who are feeling alone. Or scared.

My guestbook is at the bottom of the page. Feel free to write whatever you want, even your messages of hate. And if you are the first person here, don't be shy, if no one else, there is me here. :-)

Be safe. Be Proud.

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 Ring for Gay Youth
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