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Our commercial flock consists of selected ewes of many breeds (Suffolk, Hampshire, Rambouillet, and their Dorset and Border Leicester crossbreeds). So we have had considerable experience with many breeds. Over the years we have developed a strict culling program with reference to feet, udders, lack of mothering, difficult lambing, and total weight of lamb produced at sixty days weaning. We keep computerized records, based on the NSIP, on all of our flock. Selection factors for our replacement ewe lambs include length of loin, width of loin, length of hind-saddle, depth of body, spring of rib, structural correctness of body and legs, prolificacy of dam, and history of weaning weights of dam. Small flocks of commercial ewes are for sale. Our commercial and purebred sheep are shown by many 4-Her's and are also exhibited in open classes at major shows.