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Medium's World of Links

The GSF Homepage
Warning: Not for Feminist Females or People with Weak Stomachs

Testosterone Magazine
Free Men's Online Magazine. Make sure you read about the Anabolic Diet in the Previous Issues Section. Now that's some funny shit.

MiCheLLe'S pAgE
My friend Michelle Perry's Homepage. Some pictures of her and her friends and the GSF's own emobiiitch. There are more EvilBob pics here everyone!

Beatfactory 2K
Excellent site for HipHop MP3z with singles and albums

Mp3 Crackhouse
Another excellent MP3 site with HipHop, Dance, Alternative/Rock in singles and full albums

Jon K's Page
Jon calls his page "Jon's Useless Crap" but hey its only crap if you don't know anybody in the pictures if so, don't go.

Extreme Sports Nutrition
Kind of like an online GNC. If you lift or take supplements then go there and have a look around.

Beretta Indy Homepage
This guy has modified his Beretta Indy and he has other cool stuff on his website like links to GM FWD Performance and some other good links.

The Simpsons Archive
Some cool simpsons stuffs. Mostly for the MAC but there's some good Windows stuff like Homer Desktop Pal. (Thank you Bob)