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    So, since this page is not and will never be all encompassing nor contain everything you want to know about M*ing, here are some other useful pages to visit. Most of these are ones that I found on a Search Engine, I can't vouch for how up-to-date they'll be, and I don't keep track of their contents. If you find a link is broken, please let me know, likewise if you think a page is so out-of-date that it's useless and please send me any addresses of pages you know of that you think should be here. 


    Please note: new clients are created everyday and it would be impossible to link to each one; I'm not even going to try. If you have an awkward computer and need a small client or one that runs on DOS, and older version of Windows or a Macintosh, click on the first or second link for a decent selection. The rest of the links should take you to sites where you can download the most well-known and popular clients... you can always pester me if your favourite client isn't here. I know very little about this and have not used most of these, so don't ask me if you have problems. I've tried to find official pages for downloading where possible (and would highly appreciate any further help to this end), so you can most likely find the answers to your questions on the pages of the client in question or at least an email address to contact. Despite the names of programmes such as Zmud and MUSHclient, I think I'm right in believing that you can use all these games for MUSH, MOO, MUD, MUCK or other.

The MadROM MudClient page  This lists a wide variety of clients along with what systems they can be used with and their details, plus links for downloading. As with below, I'm not familiar with most of these, but the page is informative enough that you should be able to find what you're looking for.
The EBBS Gallery of Client Software for Muds and/or MOOs  For those of you with limited space or who use DOS / Win 3.1 / Macintosh, this page lists several links for downloading a variety of clients, most of them under 500kb, with descriptions of a few. I've not even heard of half of them, so I can't be sure how good they are, but I've used and liked Gmud, which is relatively featureless, but makes connecting and playing a painless enough experience.
MUSHClient  This page also contains a table comparing the virtues of MUSHclient with some of its rivals. Keep in mind that their results are most likely biased, but it's a good way to find an overview of their capabilities if you're technically literate enough to understand it.

General Resources

    There's so much I can't tell you, but I can point you in directions of people who can... and second opinions are always good. Note, some of these pages are also for other types of M* that won't necessarily follow the rules on this page (i.e., there may be NPC's to kill, you are expected to take items, etc). A MUD commonly won't.

Fantasy Name Generator  This is far and away my favourite name generator, it can be as simple as a click, or you can create your own template from which to generate names. It's well worth reading the instructions for the latter, as once you've got the hang of it, you can generate all sorts of names according to what you like.
The Mud Connector  Nice site with a search feature to find a M*. Not all M*s are listed, but this site has reviews and info on several, plus more resources and info on general M*ing topics.
The MUD Resource Collection  Amberyl's comprehensive site. MUSH biased, but worth a look.
MU* Explanation  This isn't really a page of resources, but I've stuck it in here, since it's an overview of what MUSHes, MUDs, etc are. For all I know, it's utterly correct; the maintainer probably has a better idea than I do at the very least.
RPer's Resources for Interactive Roleplaying on Moos/Mucks/Muds/Mushes
  As well as lists of clients and games, this also includes further info on RP, netiquette and all that general foo.

Clients  Lists of Games  General Resources

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