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Neo Realm

If You Don't Know What Neo Pets Is
It is a site(duh!) where you can own up to 4 cyber pets. (ex. ) Are there more knds? Well of course silly! lol there are about 40 diffrent get to choose the color (ex. Blue, yellow, green, red) you get to chose male/female and intrests and you can give your pet a description. There are many ways to treat your pet and you can play games with him/her you can name your pet and if your 13 or older you can chat and send neomessages! But if your 12 or under then you cant with out filling out the parntal premission fourm..its tons of fun and itsFreeYou can own a shop and a theme park. you put items in it that you buy from other shops or the main shops.....and you choose your own prices and get the nps. for it. Whats nps you ask? Neo Points the are like $$$$$$$$ I think you will have fun with the site!
You can bless your pet with a faerie and it will gain abilites they are used in the Battledome (comming soon)