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Seed with a spiritual metaphor

When we think of the word seed, we usually think of those little things that we stick in our garden, with great hopes that in time that seed will transform into some kind of fruit, vegetable, or beautiful flower. Usually, when seed is written in the Bible, it is being used as a metaphor for spiritual birth or spiritual growth. Many verses in the Bible talk about seeds being used to grow "crops", but these "crops" can also be a metaphor for something else as well. One meaning of the word seed as used in the Bible is the start of spiritual growth. There are many verses/chapters with these metaphors in the Bible. One of my favorites is Matthew 13. In this chapter Jesus is talking about a farmer that is scattering his seed in different places which if you don't think about it means throwing seed around, but it has a different meaning which is explained in this chapter shortly after the parable/metaphor. Mark 4 is very similar to Matthew 13, it is included so that you can compare them to each other, and for your reading pleasure. Zechariah 8:12 is a great verse with a spiritual metaphor. I understand this verse to mean, "The seed will grow well (people will continue to grow), the vine will yield its fruit (people will blossom and grow spiritually), the ground will produce its crops (the people will multiply), and the heavens will drop their dew (the heavens will provide the nourishment that the people will need to keep growing and prosper). I will give all these things as an inheritance to the remnant of this people.

Links to the Bible

Matthew 13
Mark 4
Zechariah 8