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DiZt0rtioN SkAtEboArding
Skating Links:
- World Industries

- Circa

- Tum Yeto

- Chocalate Skateboards


Make Your Site Better:
- Be Seen


- Vantage Net

Other Good Sites:
- Limp Bizkit's page

- Mountain Boards

- Get your free page here too

- Kicker Car Audio

- JBL Car Audio

Get a page at angelfire:
- Free Angelfire Pages


Updated: November 7th 2000

Sections:-Bad Products Message Board,

-Pics of me and friends,
-0ver 40 skatepics from my original site,
-Link Me,
-Chad Muskas Letter from Circa Footwear,
-Send me your info,
-Starting a new site and want graphics?

Nemisis Skateboarding: November 7, 2000
Lately Ive been lookin at this teams: Nemisis Skateboarding A very small Richmond based Skateboarding team. And Ive realized that these fudgepackers have stolen my page design. So not only do they suck at Skateboarding they dont even know how to f*ckin design there own page. Because these morons have stolen my page design look for a new format at Dizt0rtion. Lataz

Site Info:December6

Virginia Beach Weather and Time

The Muska '99
The Muska '99...Quality Shoe or Rip Off??
Quality Shoe
Rip Off!

My Page's Sections:
- Bad Products Message Board

- Skatepics

- over 40 pics from my original page

- pics of me and my friends skating

- Link Me

- RP help

- Ericks Column

- Guestbook

- Muska Letter

- Advertising

- Send me your info

- Starting a new site and want graphics? - WAVs(funny!)
Wrestling Sites:



- Chris Jericho's official site

- Pure Wrestling

Friends Sites:
- My Friend Kelly's page

- My Friend Jon's Page

- My friend Ashleys page

Why Do People Hate Skaters So Much???
Why Do You Think So Many People Dont Want Skaters On Their Property?


Me and Friends| Ericks Column| Sign Up| Over 40 pics| Starters| LinkMe| Muska Letter