Welcome, Bienvenue, Wilcommen.

In this age of electronic information, we can access just about anything from our desks at home. If you want a pinkish oily-looking background for your homepage, you can get it on the web. But one thing the web doesn't give you is food. And food is great, especially breakfast food. But I'm not talking about biscuits, potatoes, and hot dogs. Those aren't meant for breakfast. I mean cereal, toast, and rolls from the Rockland Bakery with white chocolate and ovaltine. That's what I'm talking about. See my Breakfast page for my guide on how to have a healthy, tasty, timely breakfast.

Brad's Quote of the Day (or so)

   "When opportunity knocks, I make sure all the doors are unlocked"

New Animated Page!

Similes Metaphors, And Other Fine Sayings

Here's a link. It's real cool!

Webshots Photos

To see Fifa my sister's cat, click here.

Here are links to some pictures that I took. D.C. Stuff
  More D.C. and others
  Nature Photos
  Jane's Wedding Photos
  Lake Placid
  Hurricane Isabel in D.C.

Here's a link to my links page. It has a slew of cool links and sites.

Meet me at the Chaa

Y'all don't go anywhere, ya heah?

click HERE for an interesting article on Sports Technology.

Here's a picture of me jumping into the Colorado River.

How many different letters are at the end of all of the U.S. Presidents' last names?    click here for the answer.


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This pagewas created sometime in 1998 by Eckenhouse - last updated 08/28/2002