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This will take you to our family album. Feel free to browse and comment.

Thinking about the U.S. Navy? Check out this website.

And now, alittle history of myself.

Above are a few links that I hope you enjoy and find any sites that you may use quite often. But ofcourse, most of it is free! Which I know everyone loves. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to send me e-mail at the below address. I am living in Missouri close to Joplin. I served 4 and 1/2 years in the United States Navy as an Aviation Electronics Technician working on F-14 Tomcats. I have written poetry for quite some years now but none recently. Most of my works are from past relationship experiences. If you enjoy reading poetry, you can check out my step brother's web page that I have above. He's got quite a selection.

I grew up in a small town in the southwest corner of Missouri. Once I graduated high school, I joined the Navy. I've done one 6 month cruise aboard a aircraft carrier stationed in San Diego. I've been to places that most people will never get to see; Perth, Australia; Tazmania; Malaysia; Hong Kong; Taiwan to name a few. I am married to Farrah who is in the above picture with me. We got married in Virginia Beach on the beach. It was a nice wedding but alittle on the chilly side. Our family album with pictures from the wedding will be added to the link above soon.

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