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A relation is any set of ordered pairs.


The domain is the set of all first elements. These "first elements" are referred to as the independent variable, or X.
example: (0,0), (8,9), (5,5), (4,2)
The domain of the set is {0, 4, 5, 8}


The range is the set of all second elements. These "second elements" are referred to as the dependent variable, or Y.
example: (0,0), (8,9), (5,5), (4,2)
The range of the set is {0, 2, 5, 9}

Visual Display

The data in the set can be displayed visually. The two types of visual presentations are mapping diagrams (left) and graphs (right).
example: (0,0), (8,9), (5,5), (4,2)

On to Functions

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Robinson Secondary School

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This information is taken from the chapter Functions 1 in the IB Mathematical Studies textbook.