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Please email me with your comments or suggestions. MORE TO COME SOON!

Blaze up close 98 Monte Carlo --- '01 Monte Carlo up close --- The Bugs Buggy - before Marlin --- 1-2-3 Hendrick 97 Daytona SWEEP --- Happy Anniversary, DuPont!!

2002 Twin 125 WINNER! ----- HOME AGAIN! Brickyard 01 WIN --- Rainbow Warriors on the Attack! ---- Bump and RUN !! ----- An illusion of Chromalusion

In & Out in 13 seconds! --------------- Days of Thunder --------------- Baby Jeff Ruth --------------- YES, AGAIN! S.I. --------------- 94, Before the Dynasty

Viva Las Vegas !! ------------------ Coincidence ? ------------------ The MAN ! -------------------- 2001 Introduction ------- Team GORDON Checklist

2002 Stripes ------------------ 2001 ON FIRE !! ------------------ Picture perfect ! -------------------- Just call him CHAMP ------- Old Scheme Pose

2002 Plate -------------------------- Mirror of a Champ --------------------- Twin Champs ----------------------- Gordon Foil ------------------------ Gordon Pennant

4 Time Champ ------------------- Jeff Trio ---------------------------- Jeff Wood -------------------------- Jeff Portrait ------------------ 4 Time Champ 2

LAST photo of Dale & Jeff - 2001 Daytona 500

1951 - 2001

"Gone, but not Forgotten, & sorely missed"

Miss you Dale.......

I would like to thank , , and Pinball Designs and Webshots for many of the pictures on this site.

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