APPENDIX: Sample Creatures & Antagonists

          Beta-0013 (Template)        

City of Paseo, day 06 of the 3rd month of AW 3006

To: Alan Osto, General Director and Chairman
From: Edwin Fizz, Research Director, Genegeneering Dept.

Dear Alan:

In spite of your specific orders of leaving specimen alfa alone for the time being, one week ago, Schultz unauthorizedly conducted a gene insertion experiment on 6 palman mooses. I just got informed about the facts myself, and would have fired him on the spot if not for the sole fact that the results defied your very own estimations. However, as much as I would like to discuss the results on this memo, I'm afraid the security leak from last month force me to ask you to pay us a visit as soon as you can so you can see for yourself.

City of Paseo, day 20 of the 6th month of AW 3006

To: Alan Osto, General Director and Chairman
From: Edwin Fizz, Research Director, Genegeneering Dept.

Dear Alan:

Three months have passed and not only the test subjects are still alive and kicking (four of them at least), but they are even improving: subjects A,C, & D already grown 1 feet taller than their respective genomes dictated, and their strenght and muscular mass is spectacular, twice this month we had to replace their bindings, with stronger ones each time. They are becoming more agressive though.

City of Paseo, day 12 of the 11th month of AW 3006

To: Alan Osto, General Director and Chairman
From: Edwing Fizz, Research Director, Genegeneering Dept.

Dear Alan:

We triple-checked their genomes this week, and we still can't figure out what went wrong. Specimen B died of cancer last month, and specimens A,C & D, lost all body hair, as well as presenting malformations derived from an uncontrolled muscular mass. Their levels of agressivity also rose exponentially, we had to hire a whole group of hunters just to move them to the new observation wing. What went wrong?.

City of Paseo, day 12 of the 11th month of AW 3006

To: Alan Osto, General Director and Chairman
From: Edwing Fizz, Research Director, Genegeneering Dept.

Dear Alan:

I'm so glad you managed to escape the building on the nick of time, that fire was hell (nuff said). All wings of our Beloved Genegineering Dept. took severe damage as well. We could rescue specimens A & C from the fire, but their condition is very delicate. I'm doing everything in my power to keep them alive, as I'm quite sure that we may not be able to succesfully clone them should we loose them. Funny, I didn't figure their looks could be even worse than they already did.

City of Paseo, day 15 of the 11th month of AW 3006

To: Alan Osto, General Director and Chairman
From: Edwing Fizz, Research Director, Genegeneering Dept.

Dear Alan:

You won't believe my words. Specimens A & C are regenerating all damaged tissue. REGENERATING. In just 3 days they almost good as new. Also, during two failed attemps at cloning we found out that they aren't getting any older actually. Could this be what we were looking for all this time?

City of Paseo, day 18 of the 2nd month of AW 3007

To: Alan Osto, General Director and Chairman
From: Edwing Fizz, Research Director, Genegeneering Dept.

Dear Alan:

Agressivity levels in specimens A & C are still increasing; also, new malformations are presenting themselves. I'm sure I can root the source of the agressive behavior, now if I only could find out the source of these malformations this could be our ticket to immortality in the history of medicine (and possibly otherwise).

City of Paseo, day 18 of the 2nd month of AW 3007

To: Alan Osto, General Director and Chairman
From: Edwing Fizz, Research Director, Genegeneering Dept.

Dear Alan:

Eureka! I think I finally found out a way to control the malformations. Also, we managed to control agressivity levels in specimen C. In one month or two we may be ready for our first human trial.

City of Paseo, day 18 of the 2nd month of AW 3007

To: Alan Osto, General Director and Chairman
From: Edwing Fizz, Research Director, Genegeneering Dept.

Dear Alan:

Our first palman patient suffers from constant fevers and intense pain, but otherwise he is fine. We made a fine choice in choosing a psionic for our first trials.

The Beta-0013 is a template that can be applied to any organic creature (refered to hereafter as 'character') with a Constitution score of 14 or higher, recieving the following adjustments:

  • Type: The base character retains his original type as long as monthly succesful Will saves (DC 18) are made.
  • Statistics and Abilities: +2 to Strenght and Constitution, hit die becomes d12. Also, regardless of experience gained, the character gains one extra hit die each passing month, which may result in size increase.
  • Special Attacks: The base character retains all special attacks, plus he gets a Slam attack (1d6 damage).
  • Special Qualities: The character retains all special qualities, plus he gains Fast Heal 1 per each hit die the character has and Darkvision of 18 meters.
  • Saving Throws: unchanged.
  • Skills and Feats: unchanged.
  • Challenge Rating: As base character +2.
  • Advancemente: unchanged.

Degeneration: Upon a failure on their monthly Will check, the character starts degenerating. Each failed save grant the character a +2 bonus to Strenght, Constitution, and Defense, but substract 2 points from his Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

...When the character either looses half his intelligence due to degeneration (if a sentient creature) or when he fails 3 saves, his type changes either to 'Magical Beast' if animal (not actually magical, it's just the template) or to 'Monstrous Humanoid' if humanoid. Upon this change, the character also gains Damage Reduction equal to twice his hit dice (or level) and his Slam attack causes 1d6 constitution drain. Constitution Points lost to this attack return at a rate of one per hour, but victims that get their Constitution reducd to zero are slain. There is a 40% that the character also grows 1d4 additional extremities (arms whenever possible), in this case, the character also gains the Multiattack and Multidexterity feats. Add another +3 to CR.

...Finally, when the character gets his Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma reduced to zero, his body suffers a dramatic change, growing tentacles everywhere and loosing all form, being reduced to an amorphous, pruple protoplasm. The character's type changes to Ooze. Upon attaining complete degeneration, he grows 1d100 tentacles, with which he can perform 4 attacks per round, and uses them to grab anything nearby (reach 2meters) in order to pull targets inside its blob, where they can be digested (treat this same as the Swallow Whole special attack). Also, the blob gets a Death Attack, which performs once a victim is inside its blob (Fort save DC 10+half the character's HD). Add another +4 to character's Challenge Rating.

Elite Operatives

Black Op.


Medium-size Humanoid

Medium-size Humanoid

Hit Dice:

5d10+30 (55 Structural Points), 15 Hit Points

3d10+25 (40 Structural Points), 14 Hit Points


+7 (+3 Dex, Improved Initiative)

+3 (Dexterity)





16(+2 Dexterity, +4 training bonus) OR as per equipment

18(+4 Dexterity, +4 training bonus) OR as per equipment


Unarmed OR as per weapon, +5 melee/ranged

Automatic Rifle +9 Ranged


Unarmed 1d6 OR as per weapon

2d12 (Automatic Rifle) or as per weapon


As per humanoids

As per humanoids

Special Attacks:

Backstab +3d6

Death Attack, save DC 15

Special Qualities:

As per race

As per race


Fort 6 Ref 3 Will 2

Fort 1 Ref 4 Will 1


Str 14 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 12

Str 14 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 15 Wis 12 Cha 12


Bluff +7, Climb +6, Computer Science +5, Daredevil +8, Demolitions +8, Disable Device +6. Disguise +6, Escape Artist +8, Gather Information +5, Hide +6, Intimidate +8, Jump +6, Move Silently +4, Search +4, Security Protocols +6, Sense Motive +4, Speak Language: (Motavian, Dezorian), Spot +4, Swim +5, Vehicle Operation +6

Climb +4, Demolitions +8, Disable Device +6. Disguise +8, Escape Artist +8, Gather Information +5, Hide +8, Move Silently +8, Read Lips +4, Search +6, Security Protocols +6, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4, Swim +5, Vehicle Operation +6


Dual Strike, Expert Tactician. Combat Reflexes, Feign Weakness

Point-blank Shot, Precise Shot, Far Shot, Shot on the run





Team (4-10)

Single ot Team (2+)

Challenge Rating:

6 (base) --- 10 fully equipped and prepared.

12 (base) --- 14 fully equipped


Always Neutral, often Evil

Always Neutral, often Evil


6d10 – 9d1d0

4d10 - 5d1d0


Elite Operatives are specialized units trained either by the government or the underworld to perform delicate tasks. Black Ops are often the spies, saboteurs, and otherwise special operatives. While a special operative may not be inherently evil, the secret service is quite indeed one of the most de-humanizing occupations: Blackmail, kidnaping, sabotage, murder, infiltration, etc. People who suffer from moral or ethical debates about his job end up either quitting or quickly snapping, and those who try to quit find themselves in a pine box even more quickly than that.

NOTE: Black Ops and Assasins can have more skills (or less) according to the type of operatives.


Black Ops fight with uncanny coordination that is only achieved through years of training. A raid on a group or place usually begins with a planned ambush followed by a merciless and coordinated attack. As soon as the leader of an oposing group is found, the Black Op team proceed to neutralize him first, then dispose of the rest of oponents with coordinated attacks, carefuly placed backstab attacks, and teamwork. A character party facing Black Ops should be prepared to deal with all kind of dirty tricks.

Yes, this means that GMs using Black Ops against a player character party has charte blanche and MY personal fiat to play as dirty and low as he wants, and the players shouldn't be offended.

Black Ops have the same training in weapons and armor as a Combat Specialist.


Snipers are operatives extensively trained to become the ultimate assasins. A sniper can also be trained in the use of posion, explosives, and any other means to cause people to drop dead.


Let´s state this, characters aren't supposed to fight with a sniper face-to-face, mainly because they are trained NOT to be seen (and to try not to get caught). If a sniper is ever caught (or worse, forced to defend himself in combat) then here we have a sniper who is NOT doing his job right. Snipers have the same training in weapons and armor as an Outlaw, plus the Energy Weapons Proficiency.

Death Attack: Let's state another thing, snipers are trained to kill... to kill in one single shot... and that is a thing they know how to do right for sure. After studying their prey for a minimum of 3 turns, a Sniper can do a Death Attack with any weapon normally intended for killing (ie NO blunting or stun weapons). The victim of a Death attack must succeed a Fortitude saving throw DC 15 or be slain inmediately. Only living beings with discernible anatomies are subject to Death Attacks: robots, androids, and some bio-monsters are immune. Alternatively, the Sniper can use a Death Attack with a sap, or other blunt weapon to make an attack that merely disables the victim without killing it.

Tac-Support Unit


Medium-size Construct

Hit Dice:

8HD+24 (50 Structural Points), 20 Hit Points


+3 (+2 dexterity, +1 sensors)




18 (+2 dexterity, +6 natural)


Slam, +7 Melee or by weapon, +7 Ranged


Slam 1d6+2 or by weapon


As humanoids

Special Qualities:

Construct, Micro-Radar, Enhanced Sensors, Micro-Computer&Microwave modem/transciever, Damage Reduction 6


Fort 5 Ref 7 Will 10


Str 14 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 16 Wis 16 Cha 14


Climb +4, Computer Science +10, Demolitions +8, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +8, Gather Information +6, Knowledge(Military Intelligence) +10, Navigation +8, Jump +8, Listen +9, Repair +10, Search +12, Spot +8, Security Protocols +10, Treat Injury +8, Vehicle Operation +10




Found within Motherbrain-era ruins only.



Challenge Rating:

10 (base)


Lawful Neutral




Along with WARren units, FOren units were Palma's incursion into androids. FOren were designed as coordinators/tactical support for large units of WARren soldiers of the long-lost Motherbrain army. While comparably less armored and combative than WARren, the versatility of FOren makes them more useful and desirable for any military unit. A single FOren unit can take the functions of logistics and intelligence, pilot, communications, and tech-op. When found within ancient palman ghost ships, shipwrecks, or facilities, the FOren unit is most likely the ship's helmsman (or facility's manager). Also, there is a 35% chance that the unit has managed to keep the facilities fully operational (when such a thing is possible) or a 75% that the facility is at least at 1/3 of its operational capacity.


While a FOren's functions are mostly away from the frontlines, it is more than capable of holding its own should it be pressed into combat. Its natural durability also comes with competent physical prowess that equals it with any soldier. FOren are proficient in the same weapons as WARren. Also, in any palman instalation where a FOren resides, there are also 1d4+2 WARren units as a minimun that must be passed through before getting to the FOren.

Multi-Optic Eye: Same as the Android character's built-in system.

Micro Radar: Same as the Android character's built-in system.

Enhanced Sensors: Same as the Android character's built-in system.

            Guardian EYES              
Guardian EYES (both forms)  

Guardian EYES

Large Construct

Hit Dice:

Always 30 Structural points, Assumed 7HD, 18 Hit Points






17 (-1 size, +8 natural)


Laser Blaster, +5 Ranged

Slam, +8 Melee


Blaster 4d8

Slam 1d8+3


2m by 1m / 0.8m or by weapon

Weapon Systems:

Net Launcher, Stun Blaster, Shock

Special Qualities:

Construct, Multi-Optic Eye, Micro-Radar, Enhanced Sensors, Computer Sight, Hover Jets, Damage Reduction 8


Fort 7 Ref 3 Will 3


Str 18 Dex 10 Con 18 Int - Wis - Cha -


Demolitions +5, Intimidate +4, Listen +4, Search +10, Sense Motive +4, Speak Language: (Motavian, Dezorian), Spot +4


Point-blank shot, Precise Shot




Single with access to reinforcements

Challenge Rating:



Lawful Neutral


-60 Structural Points (Military EYES, add a Bantam Launcher to the Weapon Systems, +5 to Damage Reduction, and +1d8 to the damage of the Laser Blaster)

-48 Structural Points (Motherbrain's era EYES, add +2 to Damage Reduction and +6 to all rolls. Found only in ruins).

The infamous Guardian EYES are the robotic units manufactured by Thermi Robotics responsible for public security in ¾ parts of Palman districts. EYES come in two varieties, the urban variety (the most common) is a heavily armored, humanoid robot with a bulbous head with an ominous, huge red eye, and massive hands and extremities; the second variety is for vehicular and traffic control in the airways, which resemble a large UFO.


Guardian EYES are programmed to engage in combat 2 rounds after warning an arrest or if the target oposes resistance. Against unarmed or fleeing targets, each EYES will either fire its stun gun if a single target, or use a Net for groups. If the target is armed, the EYES unit will throw a final warning for the target to drop the weapon and surrender, if the target opens fire after this last warning, the EYES unit engages in combat with its laser blaster and doesn't stop until anihilation of the target. If targets escape or the EYES unit percieves itself at tactical disadvantage at any time, it calls for reinforcements, who arrive in 1 minute in the form of 2d6 additional EYES units. Targets that escape capture by the Guardian EYES have a price put on their heads in the Hunters Guild within the next 6 hours (either “Wanted Alive” or “DoA” according to circumstances).

Guardian EYES are under immediate subservience of any Government Agent present in the area, and proceed as indicated by the agent.

Multi-Optic Eye: Same as the Android character's built-in system.

Micro Radar: Same as the Android character's built-in system.

Enhanced Sensors: Same as the Android character's built-in system.

Computer Sight: An EYES unit can fire any of its weapon systems to maximum range without increment penalty.

Hover Jets: Guardian EYES can't run. Instead, the hover half a meter above the ground, moving at four times their speed.





Insecta, queen

Meduim-size Vermin

Large Vermin

Hit Dice:

4d8+4 (18 Structural points), 10 Hit points

7d8+4 (30 Structural points), 13 Hit points








14 (+4 natural)

19 (+9 natural)


Bite +1 melee

Bite +5 melee





2m by 1.5m / 0.5m

3m by 4m / 0.5m

Special Attacks:

Special Qualities:




Fort 3 Ref 3 Will 0

Fort 6 Ref 0 Will 0


Str 12 Dex 10 Con 13 Int - Wis 10 Cha 1

Str 18 Dex 10 Con 13 Int - Wis 10 Cha 1


Climb +8, Listen +5, Spot +5

Listen +8, Spot +8



Any undergroud

Any undergroud


Colony (1d4x100 insectas + 1 queen)


Challenge Rating:




Always Neutral

Always Neutral





Insecta are a brood of oversized termite-like creatures that make their hives underground. Insecta have round, massive bodies completely white and sturdy shells that provides them reasonable protection.


Insecta are not agressive by nature, but they are gatherers, and anything short of large size is considered a fair catch... and they can eat anything. If a group of gatherers encounter a living being while gathering, they'll attemp to grab it and take it to the colony unharmed. Targets are only attacked in self defense. Queen Insecta can barely move, but are alawys surrounded by 2d6 insecta as minimum.

              Insect, Monstrous              
A bit of data GMs should have in mind is that, for some reason, all the different breeds of monsters that have been plaguing Palma for millenia, are in fact, insects. This appendix depicts some of the most popular monsters (and also the most alien), but the GM should feel free to use any and all monsters appearing under the "Vermin" section of the DnD Monster Manual with the following adjustments: starting with 'small' size, all vermin has 10 hit points plus another 2 for each extra size (treat the monster's original hit points as Structural Points). Also, lower the monster's Challenge Rating from 2 to 4 ranks at GMs discretion (heroes facing a giant mantis with sticks and stones doesn't face the same challenge as heroes fighting the same mantis with energy weapons and cermet armor).



Large Aberration

Large Aberration

Hit Dice:

6d8+18 (45 Structural points), 16 Hit points

12d8+36 (80 Structural points), 16 Hit points


+1 (Dex)

+4 (3 Dex, 4 Improved Initiative)





16 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural)

18 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural)


Slam +7/+7

Claw +12/+12

Ram +9


Slam 1d6+3 / 1d6+3

Slam 2d6+3 / 2d6+3 (Critical 18-20)

Overrun 1d6+5

3m by 2m / 1.5m


3m by 2m / 1.5m


Special Attacks:

Goo +5 Ranged

Backstab +4d6

Special Qualities:

Low-light vision 18m

Low-light vision 18m


Fort 8 Ref 3 Will 8

Fort 11 Ref 7 Will 8


Str 16 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 4 Wis 10 Cha 10

Str 16 Dex 16 Con 16 Int 13 Wis 10 Cha 4


Listen +8, Search +3, Spot +5

Hide +9 Jump +9, Listen +6, Move Silently +10, Search +7, Spot +6



Improved Initative, Improved Grab, Spring Attack


Temperate to cold hills and mountains



Solitary or pair

Pair, or hunting pack (4-6)

Challenge Rating:




Always Neutral

Always Neutral





Locusts are insectoid creatures whose origins date to the first bio-monster types. Its four legs can take it quite fast for an animal of its size and its bulging red eye has an amazing sight. Locusts range from green to blueish green.


Locusts are very aggresive, and will attack any creature not belonging to its territory who approaches. If facing three or lesser invaders, it will attack with its battering, barbed mantis arms every round, its long reach automatically entitles the locust with an attack of opportunity against the fist oponent that approaches. When hunting for food, the locust will resort to its Goo attack (see below). If the locust feels itself outnumbered or overpowered at any moment, it will attemp to overrun the oponent the locust percieves as the weakest target and flee. Targets of an overrun suffer 1d6+5 points of damage from the locust's ramming head.

Goo: When facing lone oponents or small, tight-packed groups, a locust's first attack will be spitting a gooish secretion at the oponents' feet. Attacking with the goo is a ranged touch attack and produces a gooish splat of 1 meter in radius. Characters caught in the goo are effectively stuck until the goo disolves (1d4 hours) or until they succeed a Strenght check with a Burst DC of 20, bursting out of the goo is a full-round action that draws an attack of oportunity. Once the victims are stuck, the locust will proceed to smash targets into unconsciousness with its long arms from a safe distance.


Locusta are a tropical variation of the regular Locust which managed to adapt to the cold climate that now plagues algo. Locusta are similar to Locusts, except for a bit bluntier heads, wickedly sharp blade arms, and they are copper in color.


Locusta are furtive hunters. Locusta's modus operandi is shadow its prey, Backstab, and fight only long enough to be able to capture a single creature, then flee. After shadowing its prey for no less than 1d4 minutes (victims are entitled oposed Spot checks versus the Locusta's Move Silently check every minute), the first locusta strikes its prey with a backstab attack (and attempts to grab). Locusta have three attacks per melee, In combat, the locusta uses his viciously sharp mantis arms to slash oponents, after each succesful strike, a locusta gets an attemp to grab the oponent (which in locusta terms means piercing a target and lifting it so it can't escape). If the grab attemp succeeds, the locusta flees with the prey and paralyses it halfway across the escape; if no grab attacks have been succesful after using its two arms, it attacks with its paralysis breath. Each round after the first locusta entered combat, another locusta of the pack enters combat with a Backstab.

Paralysis: The locusta releases a breath with the same agents of nerve gas. Targers in a 3m cone in front of the locusta need to suceed a Fortitude save DC 16 or be paralized for 2d6 rounds, the breath's toxic agents can act through a target's pores, so nothing short of a full environmental suit will provide protection against it. A locusta can only use its paralysis breath 1d4+1 times per day.

Large Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 23d10+115 (260 Structural Points), 40 Hit Points
Initiative: +7 (+3 dexterity, +4 Combat Reflexes)
Speed: 20m
Defense: 20  (+8 natural, +3 dexterity, -1 size)
Attacks: Slam +23/+18/+13/+8
Damage: Slam 2d6+5/2d6+5/2d6+5/2d6+5 Critical 19-20
Special Attacks: Arm Sweep, Summon Swarm
Face/Reach: 1mx2.8m / 2m
Special Qualities: Vermin, Low-light vision 20m, Tremor Sense, limited psionics, DR 12, Fast Heal 6
Saves:  Fort +17 Ref +15 Will +6
Abilities:  Str 18 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 6 Wis 10 Cha 8
Skills:  Listen +8 Search +8 Spot +8
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Knockdown, Large and in Charge, Run
Climate/Terrain:  Tropical to cold
Organization: Single
Challenge Rating: 17
Alignment: neutral
Advancement: 11-19HD

<<Extracted from Celine Rinale's live broadcast for the HBN during Paseo's monster outbreak, 12th month of AW 3010>>

"...we finally managed to get past the military barricade around the Viridia district, where my sources claim an unending swarm of monsters have been pouring out to the rest of Paseo, if he's right, we may have found the source of this pandemonium...

...This is Celine Rinale for HBN, my camera man and I have found shelter in one of the now evacuated office buildings; we have positioned the camera in a window to give you all a full view of the situation. Monsters flood every single street, way worse than the situation in the other districts; the army is hard-pressed to keep the monsters at bay, but their lines keep loosing terrain with each passing second. If my estimations are correct, the barricade is targeting a possibly small area near to the Hannonberg complex, we are trying to figure out a way to travel over the empty rooftops so we can give you the complete story...

...This is unbelievable! All of the monsters are literaly pouring out of the Hannonberg complex building!. Look! there are still a small gathering of soldiers entrenched near the entrance fighting an unidentified breed of humanoid monster. The brownish monstrosity is nearly 3 meters high, and is slaughtering the soldiers one by one with barbed, long mantis-like arms, the soldiers' bullets literally bounce off the exoskeleton that seems to cover its skin. Leo, can you zoom in for a second on that huge, locusta-like head?. Hey, who's there? wait, I know who you are!. No, wait, please... No! LEO!"


Like a walking tac-nuke, a locustoid engages any non-monster targets on sight (or just all targets when hungry). A feature that makes a locustoid specially scary is its cunning: a locustoid recognizes armed targets and gives top priority to targets with the larger weapons. When faced by multiple attackers or by firearms of any sort, on the first round of combat, the beast dashes towards oponents at an astonishing speed then try to hit as many targets as possible on a dashing arm sweep, and on following rounds it will either attemp subsequent sweeps if attackers are close enough to one another, or attack each target individually. When facing oponents with melee weapons, it resorts to waiting while attackers aproach, then lashing furiously at each one with blinding speed to keep them at bay. Its long, mantis-arms easily swat oponents away, leaving them open to relentless attacks while prone (locustoids always get a free attack against an oponent upon a succesful knock down). Whenever a locustoid feels itself at disadvantage, it resorts on its summon swarm ability to drive offenders away.

Arm Sweep: On a succesful attack roll, the locustoind gets a free attack against an oponent up to 90 degrees away from the former target (one on an adjacent hex).

Summon Swarm: Once per day, a locustoid can emit an ear-piercing, high-pitched monstrous shriek that summons all insect monsters (namely, all monsters) in a radius of 30 meters for every Hit Die of the locustoid. Nearby monsters hurry to the place to the best of their abilities and finish gathering within 2d4 rounds, then attack all enemies of the locustoid to death or until driving them away. The locustoid's Summon Swarm is a psionic ability.

Vermin: Immune to all mind-influencing effects.

Ruin Sentry Probe

Sentry Probe

Tiny Construct

Hit Dice:

2HD+6 (12 Structural Points), 6 Hit Points


+7 (+3 sensors, Improved Initiative)




23 (+4 size, +6 natural, +3 dexterity)


Ion Blaster, +5 Ranged


Blaster 2d8


.5m radius or by weapon

Weapon Systems:

Directed Sonic Attack

Special Qualities:

Construct, Multi-Optic Eye, Micro-Radar, Enhanced Sensors, Computer Sight, Antigravity Flight, Force Field, Always Sneaky.


Fort 5 Ref 6 Will 4


Str -- Dex 16 Con 16 Int - Wis - Cha -


Listen +8, Move Silently +6, Search +10, Spot +8


Point-blank shot, Precise Shot, Shot on the Run, improved initiative


Found within motherbrain-era ruins only


Single with access to reinforcements

Challenge Rating:



Lawful Neutral



Sentry Probes are spherical, black robotic units that were used in military bases and ships in the times of the Motherbrain. Motherbrain's lost technollogy allowed for small units that provided maximum effectivity within small size. In addition, the probes' penchant for almost immediate resources turn them into most dangerous sentinels.


The moment a probe detects intruders, it immediately engages and calls for reinforcements which arrive in a matter of 1d4 rounds. If the intruders are unarmed, it will demand to escort the intruders to the facility's prison or threaten them to face the consecuences, then engage in combat if the intruders don't obey in 15 seconds. If the targets are armed, it immediately delivers a Directed Sonic Attack, then follows with its ion blaster if the targets are not yet disabled. The moment the reinforcements arrive (1d8+2 probes) they attack one unit per individual intruder. Should there be more probes than intruders, all the remaining probes help a single unit, all focusing on a single oponent, then moving on to gang-up on a new oponent once their current target is disabled. Once all targets are disabled, or whenever the probes suffer losses equaling half of its group, a unit of 1d4+1 Guardian EYES arrive in 2d6 rounds.

Multi-Optic Eye: Same as the Android character's built-in system.

Micro Radar: Same as the Android character's built-in system.

Enhanced Sensors: Same as the Android character's built-in system.

Directed Sonic Attack: The area of a directed sonic attack is a 4m. Cone, in which all targets must succeed a Fort save DC 15 or suffer 2d6 Dexterity damage. Targets that have their Dexterity reduced to zero are rendered disabled and become helpless targets.

Force Field: A minor energy force field endows all probes with Damage Reduction 12.

Always Sneaky: Due to their constant flying, sentry probes can only be heard by the low humming they emmit, being considered to always be 'taking 10' in Move Silently, requiring characters to succeed a Listen roll DC 18 to spot them by their humming, and still, only androids and numans with augmented senses could normally pinpoint the source of the humming (add +5 to the Listen DC to do so).

    Thug, Generic

Underworld Thug

Medium-size Humanoid

Hit Dice:

1d8+1 (4 Structural Points), 12 Hit Points








By weapon, +1 attack


1d4 subdual or by weapon


As humanoid

Special Attacks:

Special Qualities:


Fort 3 Ref 0 Will 0


Str 12 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 9 Wis 11 Cha 9


Appraise +1, Bluff +4, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (Streetwise) +5





Single, gang (1-4), or mob (2-12)

Challenge Rating:



Always Chaotic, often Evil




In combat, thugs are proficient with the same weapons as the Outlaw character.



Infantry Unit



Medium-size Construct

Hit Dice:

10HD+40 (d10) (95 Structural Points), 30 Hit Points


+5 (+4 dexterity, +1 sensors)




23 (+4 dexterity, +9 natural)


Laser Rifle, +14/+9 Ranged (short bursts)

Slam, +10/+5 Melee


Laser Rifle 3d10

Slam 1d6+4


As humanoids

Special Qualities:

Construct, Light-Beam Eye, Damage Reduction 10


Fort 11 Ref 7 Will 4


Str 18 Dex 18 Con 18 Int 12 (semi-autonomous) Wis 10 Cha 10


Climb +8, Demolitions +5, Jump +8, Listen +5, Search +5, Spot +4, Security Protocols +3, Use Rope +4, Vehicle Operation +6




Found within Motherbrain-era ruins only.


Single, small group (1d4, ruins mostly), or large group (1d8+2, only in the abandoned Zelan complex and VERY specific places).

Challenge Rating:



Lawful Neutral



WARren and FOren units were Palma's first incursion into adroids. Originally mass-produced as the backbone of Motherbrain's army in Palma, the remaining WARren are now scattered among the remnants of millenia-old palman ghostships, shipwrecks, and palman ruins in Motavia. Contrary to FOren units, WARren are semi-autonomous only, and are programmed to do nothing but to follow the orders of FOren units and/or high-ranking military officers.


In combat, WARren carry on with wathever tactics and objectives their designated FOren unit or officer imparted on them. If the WARren's coordinator goes missing, the WARren unit follows its last course of action until new orders and objectives are issued. WARren are proficient in all simple, martial, energy, and heavy weapons, as well as with all kinds of explosives.