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Among the specific teachings of the Church
respecting the Christ are these:
James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, Ch.1, Pg.5

Among the specific teachings of the Church respecting the Christ are these:

(1) The unity and continuity of His mission in all ages - this of necessity involving the verity of His preexistence and foreordination.

(2) The fact of His antemortal Godship.

(3) The actuality of His birth in the flesh as the natural issue of divine and mortal parentage.

(4) The reality of His death and physical resurrection, as a result of which the power of death shall be eventually overcome.

(5) The literalness of the atonement wrought by Him, including the absolute requirement of individual compliance with the laws and ordinances of His gospel as the means by which salvation may be attained.

(6) The restoration of His Priesthood and the reestablishment of His Church in the current age, which is verily the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.

(7) The certainty of His return to earth in the near future, with power and great glory, to reign in Person and bodily presence as Lord and King.

a. Among the specific teachings
a. of the Church
a. respecting the Christ are these:

    b. (1) The unity and continuity of His mission in all ages -
    b. this of necessity involving the verity of His preexistence and foreordination.
    b. (2) The fact of His antemortal Godship.

      c. (3) The actuality of His birth in the flesh
                as the natural issue of divine and mortal parentage.

        d. (4) The reality of His death and physical resurrection,

          e. as a result of which the power of death shall be eventually overcome.

            f. (5) The literalness of the atonement wrought by Him,
            including the absolute requirement of individual compliance with
            f. the laws and ordinances of His gospel

          e. as the means by which salvation may be attained.

        d. (6) The restoration of His Priesthood

      c. and the reestablishment of His Church in the current age,
           which is verily the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.

    b. (7) The certainty of His return to earth in the near future,
    b. with power
    b. and great glory,

a. to reign
a. in Person and bodily presence
a. as Lord and King.

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