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My Fan Fiction

This are my stories and I hope you enjoy them, as you know this is FICTION, PURE FICTION! I am not related with Hanson or anything dealing with Hanson. I just hope you enjoy my stories and please sign the guestbook! Thank you for visiting!!!

Angela's Memory This is my new story started on 12/12/01. It's a mystery story involving Tay, Zac and Ike, but mostly Tay. Check it out and tell me what do you think!

A trip to Remember This is my first story I started in December/00 and isn't finish yet. It about 4 best friends (That would be Valen, Dani, Kusa and Jose) The thing is that the win a trip to spend a week with Hanson and many unexpected things happen.. Check it out! Thanks!

This is the story I am most proud of. This story focusses more on Taylor. Itz called interactive cuz you have to choose the destiny of Tina the main character and YOU choose what would happen...I have finish one part of the story!! Warning: PG-13 Last update 8/09/02

I am just a girl with a crush on you This is my new story, yeah is a long story. I wrote this one with my co-writer Michelle!! Itz basically based on Zac. It involves M2M, actually is on Marion's point of view! Read it and ejoy it! (Only 1 chapter, sorry I ma working on it)

"When once there was fire, ashes remain
This is my cheesy story, if you want to cool off and enjoy stupid cheesy stuff this is the one you need. Itz tell from 2 points of view Vicky's and Tay's Thank you for visiting...Guys I have been nominated!! Thank you!!! Please vote for me!! Thanks!~H~A~N~S~O~N~

last update 29/08/02

If you liked any of my stories please vote for me!

My Interactive Story has been nominated!!!thanks! plz don't forget to vote for me!!! Hanfic  Pullitzers Please vote for me here!!!
Here are is what I have been nominated for:
Best Veteran Author (more than 1 year):: Valentina- Interactive Story

Best Author: Non-Sex Fiction:: Valentina- Angela's Memory
Best Dramatic Author:: Valentina- Interactive Story
Best Overall: Non-Sex Fiction:: Angela's Memory
Best Lover: Straight Erotica:: Tina- Interactive Story
Best Taylor: Straight Erotica:: Interactive Story
Best Overall: Straight Erotica:: Interactive Story
Best Sex Scene: Straight:: Interactive Story
Best Opening Scene:: Angela's Memory
Best Closing Scene:: Interactive Story
Best Villain:: Taylor- Interactive Story
Comment: I love the way Valentina writes, it's different and exciting (Andrea) wow

Hanson Pullitzers

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