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Chaper 5 Alone

We spent all the morning at the beach. All the Hanson family, Marion, Marit and Natalie. Natalie didn't say much so I didn't have the chance to get to know her better.

Tay was really nice , we spend a lot of quality time together. That made me feel so secure about our relationship and sure that he had nothing to do with Natalie. Jessica came running to me and told me my sister was here. My sister and I sat down to chat for a while.

“How is everything going between you and Taylor?” she asked. Mackey and Zoë where paying and Santiago was with us, playing with the sand.

“Great” I answered and after that I told my sister everything that has happened that a few hours before.

“Taylor is right. Rumors and lies like that one could make your relationship with him over, so don’t listen to them” my sister said.

“Tina, why don’t you go with the rest of them, I will stay here with your sister” Diana told me sweetly.

“Ok” I said and went into the big green ocean.

“Tina!” Tay yelled. I looked over at him. “I love you,” he yelled. He wasn’t looking at me now; he was looking at Natalie. This whole thing is very strange Why the hell did he look over at her and not me?.

“Annie what’s wrong with him, again?” I asked her.

“Nothing, he told you he loves you!” she sounded angry.

“What’s the problem ?” I asked her.

“Isaac, he is my problem” she said and went to sit the sand. She had a sad look. Tay came and hugged me and kissed me on my cheek.

“What happened?” Tay asked her.

“I don’t know,” I said worried.

“It was Ike, right?” Tay guessed.

“Yeap! Didn’t I tell you he was playing with both of them?”

“Yes, now we should talk to him” he said.

“What happened?” I asked her.

“I found out about last night” she answered.

“Who told you?” Tay asked her.

“Marit” she was playing with the sand.

“Marit?” I was shocked. How could she have done this to her or what happened, poor Annie.

“Hold on” Tay said and ran to talk to Zac. I hugged Annie and she didn’t cry as I thought she would. Zac sat next to Annie and Tay called me. I went where Tay was.

“I have a great idea!” Tay said happily. “Well, actually two”. I just waited for Tay to tell me.

“Zac likes Annie and I told him to ask her out or something and he agreed and the second great idea is to take you right now to go on a ride on my beautiful rented car” Tay said holding my hand.

“I love your ideas!! But we should tell my sister and your mom” I didn’t want my sister to worry about me.

“Ok” Tay said smiling.
We stopped at a McDonalds.

“I am hungry and you?” he asked me.

“Yeap, me too” I was so happy that finally I could be alone with Tay.

We where in the row to buy our food when three girls came and stared at Tay. I was so pissed off, they have recognized him, and our privacy was over. “Hi, are you Taylor Hanson?” she asked him. Tay was holding my hand. He looked at me and he nodded. Thankfully the restaurant was almost empty.

“Can we have your autograph?” she asked politely.

“Sure” I don’t think they even notice we were holding hands.

“What’s your name?” Tay asked her.

“Andrea” by her accent I could notice that she was Latin.

“And your names girls?” Tay asked the other two girls.

“Brianna and Ivana” Tay signed a napkin for them.

“Thank you” the three of them said and left.

We ordered our food, well actually Tay ordered his food, I only had an ice cream and a small bag of fries.

“Finally alone” he said smiling, I smiled back at him.

“I am so sorry about Natalie,” he said sadly.

“Don’t worry!” I did mean it, it can happen.

“I have a great idea!” I wanted to spend more time with Tay.

“Why don’t you come to sleep over at my sister’s?” I asked Tay happily.

“That’s a good idea, but what about Annie?” he was eating a Big Mac. His mouth full, it was very sweet.

“Well let’s see what happened between Zac and Annie and then we decided what to do” I didn’t want anyone to ruin my plan.

“Ok then” Tay said and drank his coke. We chatted for 20 more min and then we left.


We went to have the last ride in Tay’s car, around Las Olas and Coconut Road. He parked the car in front of the beach and we started kissing. I touched Taylor’s hair. I loved it. He was so sweet and nice.

“It’s getting late,” I said looking at my watch.

“Come on let’s go”. The only thing I was hoping was that Annie and Zac had a great time. When we arrived at the hotel we saw Zac and Annie at this little shopping the hotel has at the first level.

“Zac!” Tay yelled. Zac and Annie saw us and came towards us.

“How was your day?” I asked both of them.

“Great!” Annie sounded so happy.

“It was great!” Zac said also smiling. I didn’t notice till Tay told me that they both were holding hands.

“That means that we can be together, alone tonight!” I said to Tay with a naughty smile. We only had one more day to be together cuz he was going to Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Argentina for touring.

“Oh, I am going to miss you so much” I said when we were alone again at the beach.

“Me too, but we are only going to be two weeks away, you are going to see how fast time goes” he said kissing me on my lips.

Chapter 6
