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Chapter 9 A week goes by

School wasn’t exiting anymore and I really didn’t care about my grades and they were low. I missed Tay too much and he was the only one I could think of. Annie and some other friends, Jennifer, Barbara and Christi were coming today to my house. We had to make a project due the next day. My mom picked us up from school and took us to my house.

“Have Tay called you?” Jennifer asked me. Jennifer and Christi were up to my relationship with Tay. They used to be two of my best friends.

“No” I said sadly. He hasn’t called me in a week and he has promise to called every.

“Zac hasn’t called me eighther” Annie said sadly.

“God! Guys think they can play with your feelings when ever they want to,” Christi said pissed off.

“I am sure they will call” Jennifer said.

“I hope so Jenn” Annie said and looked at the floor.

My mom knocked on my door and she told me I had a phone call. I was expecting to be Tay.

“Hello?” said happily.

“Hi Tina!” I was disappointed, it was Ryan. He had invited me out on Friday. He doesn’t know I have a boyfriend.

“Hi Ryan” I said sadly.

“So, Tina, about Friday, would you like to go out with me?” he asked me, he sounded very nervously.

“Sorry, I can’t”

“Come on! Please, let’s go out as friends” he said

“I have to think about it. I will tell you tomorrow at school, ok?” I said coldly.

“Ok, see ya” he said and hang up.

Annie, Jenn and Barbara looked at me and they knew it was Ryan. I didn’t want Christi to find out about Ryan, I knew she was going to tell the whole school. The phone rang again and Jenn answered.

“For ya T” she said and handed me the phone.
“Hello?” I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.
“Baby?” Oh God! It was Tay!

“Tay?” I asked exited.

How are you? I miss you so much! I am very sorry I haven’t called you before, but I am so tired and all the presentations end at 11pm or so and we get very tired” Tay said sweetly.

“Don’t worry! I am so happy you called! I was getting worried! How is everything going?” I was so exited and happy, finally he called.

“Great! Fans are great! Latin America is so cool and exiting”

“Where are you right now?” I asked him.

“Ecuador”(my country!! I hope that some day they would come…)

“Cool! I miss you so much Tay! I need you! I can’t wait till next week” I looked at Annie and she smiled.

“I need you too! Gotta hang up, Zac wants to call Annie” Tay was fighting with Zac over the phone.

“I guess Zac and Annie are serious… Annie is here, sitting right next to me” I said happily.

“Babe I love you. See ya in one week” he said.

“I love you more!” I said and handed the phone to Annie. She blushed and smiled.

Annie and Zac talked for a while and then hang up. We didn’t want to talk in front of Christi about the conversation we had. She was like the school gossiped. Jenn, Christi and Barbara left. Annie stayed over at my house.

“What did Zac told you?” I asked her. “He told me he loves me and that he misses me a lot and that he is happy that time flies some times” she said lying on my bed.

“I am so happy for both of you,” I said looking at Tay’s picture that I had next to my bed.

“What did you and Tay talked about?” she asked me.

“He told me he miss me a lot and he thinks that you and Zac are serious” I said putting Tay’s photo back on my desk and went to put my pajamas.

“Really? He told ya that?” she was happy and exited.

“Yep!” I said.

* *ChOoSe* *