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Chapter 1 Love Song

Finally I could see Taylor, after two months of not seeing him, finally the moment has arrived. Let me tell you my story. Taylor has been my boyfriend for six months; it has been the most exiting months in my life. The negative aspect of being with a rock star it's that from the six months we have been dating, I have only spent four with him and or probably less. Taylor doesn’t know that he is going to see me again thought. They are going to have a concert in Ft. Lauderdale and the thing is that my older sister lives a few minutes away from Ft. Lauderdale.

“Tina, honey, you have a phone call” my mom said opening my door slowly.

“Thanks mom” I said and grabbed the phone. “Hello?” I wasn’t expecting any important call.

“Hi Tina!” it was Taylor’s voice.

“Tay! Hey, how are you?” I asked him excited.

“I am fine and how are you?” he sounded tired.

“Good, where are you?” I asked.


“How is everything going? How are Zac and Ike doing? And the rest of your family?” I had so many question for him.

“They are fine, we are all very tired” he said taking a deep breath.

“Tay, I have a surprise for you” I said, I was looking foward the concert in Ft. Lauderdale. I already had the tickets for front row and Walker is helping me out with everything else, to surprise Taylor.

“Really? What is it?” Tay asked.

“Sorry can't tell you, but if you just wait..”

“Come on Tina, tell me!” Taylor demanded.

“Sorry I can’t,” I said trying to sound sexy, "I think it's better if I don't tell you"

“Ok, princess gotta go. I can't wait to know what's the surprise you have for me” he said sweetly.

“Ok baby, I love you bye” I was sad, I didn’t want to hang up, we hardly ever talked, but well that's the life he likes and yeah I have to accept that.

“I love you too, bye” Tay said and hung up. In a week I would be seeing Taylor and the rest of his family.

As soon as we hung up, I calleAnnie, my best friend. She is also coming with me to Florida. I ask her and my mom to go shopping with me to buy new clothes for Florida. I didn’t have any thing for the beach and for real I really wanted a very nice surprise for Taylor.

“Where do we start?” I asked my mom and Annie.

“Lets go to Wet Seal” Annie propposed.

I wanted Taylor to see the "new me", I used to wear always black and he was also used to see me dress in black. Since Annie is also coming with me to Florida, it makes the trip even more amazing. We are traveling alone and we are going together to the concert and I am sure this time I can make Ike and Annie hook up.

The phone rang and I answered. “Hi Tina” Annie said.

“Hi Annie, can you believe it, two more days and we will be at Florida singing Love Song” I said in a very enthusiastic tone of voice.

“Tina, I have bad news” she said sadly.

“What is it?” I asked worried, I felt my heart starting to get all jumpy.

“I can’t go” I was shocked, I couldn’t believe Annie was telling me this!

“Why?” I said fighting back my tears.

“Cuz…” there was a long silence “I was kidding!” Annie said loudly and laughing.

“Annie! I am going to kill you, I almost had a heart attack” I felt such a relief.

“Hahaha, gotcha this time!” Annie was laughing hysterically.

“It wasn’t funny, Annie talk to you tomorrow, I have to hung up, my dad needs the phone” I said. I was so exited I couldn’t stop thinking about Taylor and the both of us at the beach.

“Ok, talk to you tomorrow, bye”

The phone rang once more “Hello?” I answered

“Hi Tina” Walker said.

“Hello Mr. Hanson” he said he would call today to comfirm the trip.

“How are you?”

“Fine thanks” my heart was racing...this was real.

“I was calling to tell you that I have all ready done everything to make you come backstage after the concert. I will meet with you at gate 1 A and then I will take you and Annie with me. Are you ok with that?” how couldn’t I be more than ok with that?

“Yep! It sounds great! Thanks a lot for all Mr. Hanson”

“You are welcome Tina, see you at the airport on Thursday” he said.

“Thank you so much, bye!”

“You are welcome dear, bye” I jumped around like for a minute. I couldn't wait!

Chapter 2
