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To Fall In Love

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When you are so ready to see the love in another person
When you're ready to see the beauty on the inside...
When you let him into that special place inside
A place where you so want his love to be
And he fills you up
Makes you feel things you forgot existed

The romance that lights everything
Like the brightest star on the darkest night
And lets love happen..
And when romance fades true love does not
When I fell in love it was so sweet,warm and tender
I will never judge but will have have and trust in him
I will support,listen and understand him
Give him joy and share my love
I will place my heart in his hands I know it is safe there
What a wonderful gift that such a treasure be placed in my hands
The treasure of him of you Randy,My treasure,My love
God bless you,for he has certainly blessed me.
I love you its all i can do

WENDY.. :)

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