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Two Meet As ONE


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When Two Meet As One

The two had been lovers for so long
In heart, mind and soul
now was the time to meet in body

The two met on the beach, in the sand
They take each other by the hand
and walk along the beach

Talking of loved ones both family and friends
Finally he takes her hands, turns her to him
Their eyes meet as one

Their bodies pulled together as one
Their hearts beat as one
And when their lips meet as one

Their hearts, bodies and souls
explode with passion
For one night they meet as one



Jeff (wile_koyote) and Connie (Shebears),
would like to personally congradulate,
Randy (_Thor-_) and Wendy (pouncer-x).
They are now a couple, and we are very happy for them.
We would like to wish them all the best,
and hope all of their friends will do the same.

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