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Serrell 5

Welcome to our Family Homepage!

*PLEASE excuse our appearance.

We are still in the developmental stages*


LARRY is currently working at Motel Six as the hotel General Manager in Richmond.

ERIKA That's me. I am busy enough just keeping up with the little ones. However, now I have returned to school. I am going to Mary Washington College full time as a computer science major. I have done well in my first year maintaining a 3.9 gpa which means I made the dean's list (Can you believe it?!?!) I am working a co-op at Naval Surface Warfare Center at Dahlgren This will mean that I will continue at school and work my free hours on the base. It enables me to avoid having to take extra classes just to maintain my scheldule and just take the classes I need for graduation. PLUS I will be gaining actual on the job experience. At the completion of my degree, the goverment has the option of offering me a full time position or not, and I likewise have the option of accepting or not.

Erika's Favorite Links

Tommy Winrow (my younger cousin) Check our Tommy's progress in professional baseball. He is one of my younger cousins that I really never had the opportunity to get close to due to distance, but someone I am extremely proud of. GO TOMMY!

BRANDON is now five years old. He loves his daycare! He will be going into kindergarten in the fall...but since he knows kindergarten means more shots, he isn't too excited yet. At daycare he gets to make all sorts of crafts, sing songs, play games, and learn all sorts of new things. Currently he is learning sign language in addition to the regular reading, writing, and counting. Pokemon is a favorite of his (I don't understand the craze myself---have you ever actually watched the show?) He has also become a Nintendo child, and his two favorite games are Donkey Kong and Zelda

JORDAN just wants to have fun. Give him some blocks or crayons, and he is a happy camper. He is the sweetest child you'll ever meet. He thanks you for everything, and tells you he's sorry even if he didn't do anything wrong. (Some girl is going to be very lucky in the future.) But like the nursery rhyme about the girl with the little curl in the middle of her forehead..when he is bad he is VERY BAD. He can pout with the best and he knows how to throw a fit. He just loves doing puzzles--just don't touch the pieces while he is trying! He is also fascinated with playing in the dirt. We have a digging area designated in the backyard just for it.. Although he hasn't developed the Nintendo skills that Brandon has, he sure likes trying

Number 5, DEANNA, is growing fast, as all children do. She loves getting into everything and tries to keep up with her brothers (and does pretty well I must say). Deanna is also becoming quite a talker. She will tell you everything she can, and ask as many questions as she can. Being a true little girl, her main love right now is baby dolls. She loves playing mommy. She is as loveable as can be, and is one of the best kisser and huggers around

Newest picture additions are Deanna's Birthday party. I hope to add Christmas pictures and some other misc pictures too soon (I know it is somewhat backwards) but with life as hectic as it is...that is how it goes.



[rope chain]

FAMILY These are limited, for adults are always behind the lens.

BRANDON This is the fullest, for Brandon is a photo flirt

JORDAN When he sits still, we try to catch him on film.

DEANNA The number 5 of the Serrell 5.

EXTENDED FAMILY-- THE TRIPP SIDE Pics we have of other family members we love. Some old pics, some new.

EXTENDED FAMILY-- THE SERRELL SIDE A few pics of the crazier side of our family

HALLOWEEN 1999 A few pics from trick or treating '99

THANKSGIVING 2000 Just a few pics from Thanksgiving

CHRISTMAS 2000 Christmas Memories

Deanna's Birthday Party A few pics from Deanna's Birthday party

Day in the Park some pics of outdoor fun

[rope chain]

[eyes] Please check out our auctions! (Actually none exist right now due to limited free time)[eyes2]

Please sign our guestbook and let us know what you think!

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