Fushigi Yuugi Links

Miaka and Yui

-- Nuriko.net! Nuriko.net! It's about time Nuriko had his own net! I love this page! Everyone should go there! NOW! Um...*blush*

-- Nurikoholics Anonymous! A very much fun Nuriko fan club. Sushi is also planning to open Nuriko.org later this May! WAI WAI!

Mizu-Kagami, www.chichiri.com -- My poor baby! He has his own hisname.com now! Go there! It's beautiful!

The NO DA Mission - This is a site dedicated to what speaketh our favorite blue-haired monk, Chichiri.

Enter into the Kasa... - The kasa of course being our favorite blue-haired monk's favorite round hat. (gee, we can tell whose links THESE are...)

The Nuriko Shrine of Fruity Worship - Come and worship the Fruitiest purple-haired crossdresser in Anime! ***Adrienne thwacks Cristi***

Tasuki no Miko's Fushigi Yuugi page - This really is a GREAT page for info and all that jazz.

Fushigi Yuugi Music Videos - I love this page. And the chick who keeps it is REALLY nice. She rotates different FY music videos every week. Character vids and ones from the series and OAVs. They're GREAT!

Never Stand Too Close To A Naked Seishi - There's no such THING as TOO close to a naked seishi!

The Fushigi Yuugi Image Gallery One of those picture pages. Go see for yourself.

The Miko Directory - For all us bishounen lovers out there! Go sign up to be the Miko or Seishi of your favorite 2D male!

The Fushigi Yuugi Image Archive This is THE page for pics from the series! 70 pages worth! I sat in front of my computer for HOURS!

Nuriko.com - This page is too much Nuriko, Hotohori and Fushigi Yuugi oriented fun!

The Shrine of the Almighty Chicken of DOOM! - Not only is this page an AWESOME page for Fushigi Yuugi stuff but it's the Shrine to the Almighty Chicken of DOOM! Come on! You must love this!

The Nuriko Fanclub - Of which, I am a way too proud member.

Make Your Own Miko - SHAMELESS PLUG! SHAMELESS PLUG! Even though it isn't ONLY about Fushigi Yuugi...

The Chichiri Shrine - I (being Cristi) adore this Shrine. It's so...perky!

Adrienne: Slut...***snuggles Nuriko***

Cristi: ***snuggles Chichiri*** Bite me.

Fushigi Yuugi FanFiction Archive - Just like the name says :)

DA!!! Inside Chichiri's Kasa! - Another Chichiri page...and they even have their very own Chichiri fanfiction section in which one of my (Cristi) stories is archived!

The Tasuki Worshippers Fan Club - Go! Worship Tasuki! We do!

Rence and Frankie's Fushigi Yuugi Shrine - All I remember about this is that it was good...go look.

The THTC mp3 Archive - Well, I know this person has a main page and that this is only one part of it...but I urge all Tamahome/Hotohori/Tasuki/and/or/Chichiri fans to check this out! THEY SING! TOGETHER! They're fired up and shooting guts! What more could you want?!

The Fushigi no Website

Suboshi: The Psychotic YoYo Boy of Love!

A Shrine to the Electric Youth - Soi!

The Fushigi Yuugi Keepers Guild

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