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Disclaimer: Information for these pages may not be correct. The research I have done says that it is....but ya never know. If you are certain that some of the specifications for an automobile are incorrect, please let me know! And trust wont be the only one telling me that I have incorrect spec's up. I get that alot. Thank you for visiting my page. I do appreciate it.

About my sources: My information/pictures comes from books, magazines, tv, newspaper articles, e-mails, newsgroups, people, and of course the internet. If its up on the internet for the entire worlds consumption, then why not use it (after correct permission of course)? I gather some of my information from the internet. This includes pictures and specifications. My goal here is not to provide a totally unique web site composed of rare pictures and information. I am trying to make a central repository of concept cars. Many sites out there display information for a few cars....then you have to visit another site to learn more about another car, etc. I am trying to get as many cars as I can in one place.