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Trait Inheritance in Pomacea bridgesii

        Due to popular demand, here is a list of the solidly provent dominant and recessive genes that can be inherited in Pomacea bridgesii. The list is broken down into Yellow/Brown colors and Purple colors. Exact inheritance of green and burgundy colors are not yet known. Also, the yellow bodied trait is not accounted for.

  Yellow/Brown Color Traits in Pomacea bridgesii
  Shell Base Stripes Flesh Color Body Spot Color
Dominant Yellow (B) Present-brown (A) Blue-black (C) Orange
Recessive null (b) no stripes (a) white (c) yellow

  Purple Color Traits in Pomacea bridgesii
  Shell Base Stripes Flesh Color Body Spot Color
Dominant Purple (Y) Present - purple (X) Blue-black (Z) Orange
Recessive pink (y) no stripes (x) white (z) yellow
Most Recessive null (y)      

        An example punnett square for a cross of an XxYyZz snail (dark striped purple) to another XxYyZz snail (also dark striped purple):

XYz | XXYYZz | XXYYzz | XXYyzz | XxYyzz | XxYyZz | XxYYZz | XXYyZz | XxYYzz |
Xyz | XXYyZz | XXYyzz | XXyyzz | Xxyyzz | XxyyZz | XxYyZz | XXyyZz | XxYyzz |
xyz | XxYyZz | XxYyzz | Xxyyzz | xxyyzz | xxyyZz | xxYyZz | XxyyZz | xxYyzz |
xyZ | XxYyZZ | XxYyZz | XxyyZz | xxyyZz | xxyyZZ | xxYyZZ | XxyyZZ | xxYyZz |
xYZ | XxYYZZ | XxYYZz | XxYyZz | xxYyZz | xxYyZZ | xxYYZZ | XxYyZZ | xxYyZz |
XyZ | XXYyZZ | XXYyZz | XXYyZz | XxyyZz | XxyyZz | XxYyZZ | XXyyZZ | XxYyZz |
xYz | XxYYZz | XxYYzz | XxYyzz | xxYyzz | xxYyZz | xxYYZz | XxYyZz | xxYYzz |


Dark  Striped Purple:      26/64
Dark  Striped Purple CSB:  10/64
Dark  Plain   Purple:       8/64
      Striped Purple:      10/64
      Plain   Purple:       3/64
Light Striped Purple:       3/64*
               Ivory:       1/64
                Blue:       3/64

    * This color can be pink OR ivory light striped 
      purple depending on the parents.

        If you would like to know what colors can result from certain color crosses of snails, look at the downloads secion of this site and try the Color Inheritance program. It will give a list of possible color outcomes for any combination of yellow-brown colors, purple colors, or olive colors, provided that the parents are in the same color "group" (i.e. olive with olive, purple with purple, etc.). Burgundies are not yet understood well enough to include in the program.
        For more information on punnett squares or how to know what types of babies two given snails will have, feel free to e-mail me at Please contact me if you have any genetics questions/comments or other related questions/comments as well.