At the Shows and Fairs in 2001

We Were at These Show/Sales in 2001

Ohio Dorset Show and Sale: March 16 and March 17
Featuring the National Horned Dorset Show and Sale
Congratulations, Paul on your
National Champion Ewe
and Reserve Junior Champion Ewe

Congratulations, Barbara and Leon on your
Reserve National Champion Ram

Empire Spring Classic: June 1 and June 2
Congratulations, Barbara and Leon on your
Champion Ram and Champion Ewe

Keystone Sale: June 1 and June 2
Congratulations, Mary Ann on your
Champion Ewe

Congratulations, Paul on your
Reserve Champion Ram

New England Sale: July 13 and July 14
Congratulations, Paul on your
Champion Ram and Champion Ewe

Congratulations, Mary Ann on your
Reserve Champion Ewe

We Showed at These Fairs in 2001!

New River Valley Fair, Dublin, Virginia
Congratulations, Paul on your
Champion Ewe and Reserve Champion Ewe
and on your Champion Ram

Congratulations, Barbara and Leon on your
Reserve Champion Ram

Bland County Fair, Bland, Virginia
Congratulations, Barbara and Leon, on your
Champion Ewe and Reserve Champion Ewe
and on your Champion Ram

Applachian Fair, Gray, TN
Congratulations, Barbara and Leon on your
Champion Ewe
Premier Breeder

Ohio State Fair, Colombus, Ohio
Congratulations, Paul on your
Reserve Champion Ram
Champion Ewe and Reserve Champion Ewe
First Flock
First Get of Sire

Maryland State Fair
Congratulations, Paul on your
Champion Ram
Champion and Reserve Champion Ewes
Premier Breeder

Russell County Fair, Castlewood, Virginia
Congratulations, Barbara and Leon on your
Champion Ram and Reserve Champion Ram
Champion Ewe and Reserve Champion Ewe

Tennessee Valley Fair, Knoxville, Tennessee
Congratulations, Paul on your
Champion Ewe and Reserve Champion Ewe
Champion Ram and Reserve Champion Ram

Washington County Fair, Abingdon, VA
Congratulations, Mary Ann on your
Champion Ram and Champion Ewe

Congratulations, Barbara and Leon on your
Reserve Champion Ram and Reserve Champion Ewe

The State Fair of Tennessee, Nashville, TN
Congratulations, Paul on your
Champion Ewe
Reserve Champion Ram

State Fair of Virginia, Richmond, VA
Congratulations, Paul on your
Champion Ram and Champion Ewe
and on your Reserve Champion Ram and Ewe

NAILE, Louisville, KY
Congratulations, Barbara and Leon
Best Headed Ram

Congratulations, Paul on your
Reserve Senior Champion Ram
Champion Ewe
Premier Breeder

