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Deep Research

Table of Contents:


Main Categories

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About the Net/Staying Current

Art, Literature, & History

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Business, Finance, & Economics

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Document Delivery Services

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Hobbies & Special Interests

Government & Law

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Libraries, Schools, & Universities

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Magazines & Journals

Navigation Aids & Organizing Tools


Broadcast News


News magazines

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Wire services

News media mega-sites

News updates

Gated Sites

Professional online services

Consumer online services

Hybrid search services

Quality of Information

Reference Books

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Research Groups

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Science, Technology, & Medicine

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Search Engines, Subject Catalogs, & Guides

General search engines

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Specialized search engines

Meta-search engines

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Search engine mega-sites

General subject catalogs

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FAQ finder

Guru pages and mega-sites

Offline meta-alternatives

Virtual Communities & Conferencing Systems