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Donna's Personal Page

This is a picture of school children in a Early Primary Education Center in Matabonite, Haiti. Gabriel Thelus, who studied agricutural technology at Virginia Tech, is the leader of AJAK, a Catholic young adult association, which is responsible for building St. Rose of Lima School. This school is supported by contributions to the David A. Goy Memorial Fund.

My name is Donna and I live in Danville, Virginia. I work as administrative support for Elliott Electric Company. I also volunteer for the Diocese of Richmond by assisting with the Encounter with Christ Retreats and the Haiti Retreats.


hip shimmy

It's Classy to Shake Your Chassis, Belly Dance!

One of my hobbies is dancing. I am especially interested in Middle-eastern dance and perform under the stage name of Shalimar. I am teaching Monday evenings through the Danville Parks and Recreation at the Pepsi Building, Tuesday evenings at the YWCA, Wednesday evenings at The Dance Space and Thursday evenings at Moving Voices in South Boston. I also am presently the director of Sisters of the Southern Moon, a dance troupe that performs in the Danville Area. Our group just came back from a belly dance cruise with Hip Expressions out of Florida and danced as part of the entertainment on the ship. I presently take ballroom dance lessons.

Another hobby is reading. Two of my favorite books are the "Mutant Message Down Under" by Marlo Morgan and "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. I like reading poetry. Mrs. Burton and Mr. Douglas, two of my elementary teachers, were instrumental in this love. Enjoy two of my favorite poems The Cremation of Sam McGee and The face on the Barroom Floor.

I enjoy cooking, especially vegetarian. One of my favorite cookbooks is from The Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca, New York. You can print out a recipe from this site or order one of the cookbooks. I have squash, eggplant, tomatoes and basil growing in my garden and will be ready to use soon in some yummy cooking.

I like to travel with my friends and family to many places. One of our favorite's is Jamaica. To find out more about our experience "say Ev'ry Ting Irie". I will be traveling to Haiti with college students from William and Mary this year over the Christmas break.


This is the group picture from Encounter with Christ
#130 at Camp Bethel from March 18th - 21st.

In July 2006, I went with a group from the Catholic Diocese of Richmond to visit Haiti on a retreat that exposes one to life in a Third World Country. Pictures from this trip I am so thankful that the Diocese believes the words of Oscar Romero "The world that the Church must serve is the world of the poor." I am reminded of the words of a song my Marty Haugen, "Who will speak?" The song asks the question "Who will speak for the poor and the broken?" It answers with a question, "Who will speak if you don't?" Please pray for the inhabitants of Haiti We are always blessed by meeting many beautiful people and being touched by all we see.

My Favorite Links

SWVAMEDA's Belly Dance Links Promoting the art of belly dancing around the world.
Mepkin Abbey
Belly Dancers Site

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