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Mystics and Mages of The Moon

The MMotM was first formed in 1997 and closed its doors in 1999. The initial concept of the Mystics and Mages of the Moon was to have each member achieve status within that which is mystical by passing a series of tests and overcoming hazzards. Hopefully those who Role Played in the MMotM RPG enjoyed many adventures along the way. A decision was made to form the guild into a formal forum where players can utilize various ISP's to continue with the RP they once enjoyed.

The MMotM Bylaws

Forum Rules:

Agate Order:

Forum Emissary:

Forum Emissary:

Forum Emissary:


Freelance Minister:

Assassin Minister:

Shops and Taverns Minister:


Guild Coordinator:

Minister Of War:

Healers and Priests Minister