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Accomplishments of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

1921 - The Kappa Chapter at the University of California - Berkeley was the first Greek letter organization to be established on the west coast.

1922 - Gamma Chapter made the first known donation of $100 to the United Negro College Fund.

1930 - Delta Sigma Theta was incorporated as a national organization. Anna Johnson Julian, the fourth National President of the Sorority, signed the incorporation papers.

1937 - The National Library Project was established and began circulating the “traveling library” in sections of the South where library facilities were not available to Blacks.

1943 - Delta Sigma Theta established a National Victory Book Drive to provide servicemen with books.

1945 - The Sorority as a whole contributed its first donation of $1,000 to the United Negro College Fund.

1947 - On February 8th, The Gamma Iota Chapter was chartered at Hampton University, which held the distinction of being the first chapter of a national Greek letter organization ever to be established on that campus.

1948 - The Sorority was one of seven Greek letter organizations that founded the American Council on Human Rights (ACHR).

1950 - Delta Sigma Theta established its first foreign chapter in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

1954 - The Sorority opened its first National Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

1955 - Delta Sigma Theta funded a maternity ward at Thika Memorial Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.

1956 - The Five Point Program Thrust was initiated by National President, Dorothy Height. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed the 24th National Convention in Detroit, MI. Helen G. Edmonds was the first Black woman to nominate a candidate for the Presidency of the United States when she seconded the nomination of Dwight D. Eisenhower for a second term in the office.

1962 - An international chapter of the Sorority was established in Monrovia, Liberia.

1963 - The Golden Anniversary Year of Delta Sigma Theta was celebrated in Washington, D.C. with President John F. Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson.

1965 - Delta co-sponsored the East Africa Women’s International Seminar in Nairobi, Kenya.

1966 - Delta Teen Lift was established as national program after the idea was proposed in 1963. The Delta Sigma Theta Collection was dedicated at the Omaha (NE) Public Library. The Sorority donated $4,200 for acquisition of literature on the history, biography, and literary culture of Blacks.

1968 - The Sorority established the Unwed Mothers Program in cooperation with the Baltimore City Schools. The Sorority donated $3,000 to the Schomburg Collection for preservation of archives by and about Black people.

1971 - Delta Sigma Theta received a grant from the Department of Justice for $500,000 to be co-sponsors with One America, Inc. in a program for rehabilitation of women offenders. The National Urban Coalition funded Delta for $45,000 to conduct a Public Information Program on Health Careers and Training for Minority Youth. Delta and the Congressional Black Caucus co-sponsored National Policy Conferences on Education for Blacks. A federal grant for $30,000 was given to a Delta chapter in Petersburg, VA for the Delta Emergency School Assistance Program.

1972 - Delta sponsored a national campaign for combating Sickle Cell Anemia.

1973 - The Sorority implemented The Right to Read Program, which was one of the first nationally coordinated efforts to help the functionally illiterate.

1976 - The first European chapter was chartered in Frankfurt, West Germany. The Sorority along with the Winston-Salem Alumnae Chapter purchased the "Thomas Day Cabinet Maker" collection, which was put on permanent display at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh.

1979 - Delta initiated a national preservation and beautification program focused on African-American landmarks, monuments, and historic sites. The statue, "Fortitude", by sculptor James King was dedicated in April at Howard University.

1981 - Summit I: Problems and Social Issues Facing American Women was created.

1983 - Mona H. Bailey, 17th National President, dedicated a Delta Sigma Theta sculpture in Atlanta in memory of the 29 missing and murdered young residents of the city.

1984 - Summit II: Call to Action in Support of Single Parenting was created.

1989 - SCHOOL AMERICA, a national program of the Sorority, was initiated.

1990 - The Sorority produced and distributed the public service announcement recorded by Natalie Cole warning people about the effects of drug use. Delta Days in the Nation’s Capital was organized.

1991 - The W.K. Kellogg Foundation granted the Sorority with $50,000 to expand to expand the SCHOOL AMERICA family reading program. Summit III: Preparing Our Sons for Manhood was created.

1992 - Delta held its first Delta Youth Days in the Nation’s Capital.

1993 - The Valley Forge Alumnae Chapter unveiled the "Patriots of African Descent Monument" on June 19th, which was the first time that a monument had been dedicated to African American soldiers.

1995 - To date, all of the Black women who have served as U.S. Ambassadors have been members of Delta Sigma Theta.