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A Brief History of FreeMasonry
by Frater L.P.D.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3: The Masonry of Thelema

In 1904 e.v., Aleister Crowley, then a Scottish Rite Freemason of the Thirty Third Degree and famous Adept of the Golden Dawn, married a woman named Rose Kelley and disembark ed on a "honeymoon" to Cairo Egypt that would change the history of the World as it was then known. Oddly enough, the original intent of this voyage was not esoteric as such but was rather a quite conventional outing of a wealthy English man and his new Bride. By this time, Crowley was disenchanted with his earlier occult studies and embraced a sort of rationalism that flirted lightly with aspects of Buddhist doctrine. He had practically and completely abandoned the Path of Magick. Or so he thought. In an attempt to impress his wife Rose, Crowley arranged a honeymoon suite in the Great Pyramid. During their stay, he decided to "flirt" with Magick again by "invoking sylph s" to visible appearance. Although he claimed enough light was generated to read the Ritual by, his wife Rose apparently "saw" nothing. This seemed to confirm his skepticism in regards occult science. However, shortly thereafter, Rose began a series of "ramblings" implying that "they are waiting for you" and "it's all about the child." The reaction of Crowley was to assume she had undertaken a fit of hysteria which was not uncommon for repressed women of Victorian mentality. He dismissed her claims to no avail. She persisted in her insistence that a message needed to be delivered. Finally, to disperse the situation, Crowley agreed to a Invocation of the Spring Equinox in 1904 e.v. on the balcony of their Cairo apartment. He stated that nothing would happen if you broke all the rules and was confused that the Instructions received by Rose contradicted everything he learned in the Golden Dawn. Nonetheless, he availed. The results of the Ritual are recorded more in detail in the "Equinox of the Gods". However, the end result of this Invocation was Crowley's agreement to enter his private quarters at exactly noon on April 8th, 9th, and 10th of the same year.

Upon doing as Instructed, he claimed on each day a brilliant blue light descended into his chamber and a Voice was heard which he copied on paper. The result of all of this was Liber AL vel Legis. Also called the Book of the Law, Liber AL had as it's source a praeter-human Intelligence named Aiwass and announced a New Aeon of Earths Evolution. At the time, Crowley had no idea that this very same New Aeon was Predicted in his Invocation of the 30th and 29th aethyrs in the Masonic Temple of the Lamp of the Invisible Light which he founded in Mexico City in 1900 e.v..(see the "Vision and the Voice") In fact, he unconsciously attempted to forget Liber AL entirely and even once tried to physically lose it. What had occurred was a Complex Interaction of Magickal Energies that as of yet still have not completely unraveled. In particular interest to this essay is Liber AL Chapter I: verse 49. It reads as follows. "Abrogate are all rituals, all ordeals, all words and signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat in the East at the Equinox of the Gods; and let Asar be with Isa, who also are one. But they are not of me. Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the sufferer; Hoor in his secret name and splendour is the Lord initiating."

It was not until 3 years later at the Reformulation of the A.'.A.'. that he fully began to Understand the energies that were Initiated in Mexico 1900 e.v. and Manifested April 8-10th 1904 e.v.. In fact, the original Vision and Voice that is L.I.L. was not manifested completely until Dec.19th of 1909 e.v. in the Deserts of Africa. Now at last could the powerful Magick contained in the formula L.P.D. which Crowley at one time would state was a formula of "minor importance but major practical value" manifest. By 1912 e.v. Crowley had become more than aware of the inconsistencies and outrages of the Masonry of his day and was frustrated that no Masonic Leaders of the Time had approved of his plan to re-write the Rituals of the Craft which had all been revealed by then in several anti-masonic books. Thus the Initiates of L.I.L. kept silence as a new opportunity came for the Master Therion to affect the transformation of the Craft to New Aeon Lines. By this time, Crowley became the next Outer Head of the Ordo Templi Orientis. Considered a quasi-masonic system by Masons of the day, Crowley could revise the basic Essence of Freemasonry itself without betraying his earlier Masonic Oaths taken before the inception of Liber AL. After all, the O.T.O. was considered "quasi-masonic" and was on warm terms generally with most Lodges in Fraternal Relation with John Yarker and the Grand Lodge of Memphis-Mizraim. Thus, all this time Crowley did not want to rock the boat too strongly while all the while he was drilling a hole in it. With the O.T.O., the Master Therion could finally get a chance to compose a system of 11 Degree Masonry that was more compact and powerful than the bulky 97 Degree's of Memphis-Mizraim. Thus, the first system of Thelemite Masonry was Chartered and Empowered on Planet Earth without even being recognized as "Masonry" by Old Aeon Masons who still bowed to gods now cursed and outdated in Liber AL. After all, the old Builders knew that vulgar religion was foolish and empty, but Lurked in the Lodges bonded in a Light beyond Religion.

What many of the Old Aeon Mason's failed to realize though was that admitting the Unity of all religion destroys religion and creates Theurgy. Thus, in the New Aeon every man and woman is a star. There are now as many religions as people. And so the Craft was re-organized. Upon Crowley's Death Karl Germer became his Successor in Thelema from 1947 e.v to 1962 e.v.. Mr. Germer too was also sworn by Oath to the Old Masonic Charges so he Lurked and kept the flame of Thelema alive and thriving. Many criticize Mr. Germer for not Chartering more O.T.O. Lodges than Marcelo Motta's in Brazil but the fact was the times were dangerous. These were the Hoover years of F.B.I. harrasment of any slightly different reality map than the United States Government.

Mr. Germer kept the Order of Thelema alive and all Orders Invigorated by it's Light. However, in 1962 e.v. he had his Greater Feast and named as his Follower Marcelo Ramos Motta. It is interesting to note that Motta was the first of Us not to be under any Oaths taken in the Old Aeon. He developed the O.T.O. and A.'.A.'. until his Death in 1987 e.v. He also was a brave and valiant Warrior against the Black Lodge's Counter-attack to usurp Thelema and thus abort the Aeon.(I know it's a ridiculous notion but the Black Brothers are always trying). During this time several counter claims came up to O.T.O. Leadership. Metzger elected himself Head in Switzerland despite Germer's lack of approval for his methods. Grant ignored Germer's Expulsion in 1956 e.v. and started his T.O.T.O. and Shady Grady McMurtry re-appeared after many years with vague "Caliphate Letters" and set up his own Deceptions after winning an American court case against Motta. Apparantly he forgot suing members of the Order was forbidden. Of course, no doubt, these fallen stars believed their claims as most obsessed individuals do. Despite these facts, many good and sincere Thelemite's joined these organizations and their is presently hope of Unification via the N.U.I.T. Charter. After Motta's Death in 1987 e.v. more chicanery and confusion arose due to Claudia Canuto resigning from Motta's Tripartite Trust. Thus, the Trust became obsolete. Suffice it to say that David Bersson became next O.H.O. of the O.T.O. due to seniority and Ray Eales Charted a New and Bold Step for the Masonry of Thelema by Creating H.O.O.R. By this point the New Adepts were not confined by Old Oaths and began Chartering Masonic Orders emanating from the Spiritual Hierophants of the Order of Thelema. H.O.O.R. is such an Order and success is their proof. They stand as true allies to those of Us.

The Order of the Lamp of the Invisible Light finally stepped forth publically with an 11 degree system of Masonry embodying all the aspects of the Old Temple Ruins and Rebuilding the Craft by Chartering the First International Grand Lodge of L.I.L. For their are other Adepts who for now choose to remain secret to the World but emanate to the Outer Courtyard of L.I.L. through the Overseer of the Temple of Ahathor. We openly thank and appreciate the O.T.O.'s efforts to create a New Aeon System of Initiation that enabled Order's like Ourselves and H.O.O.R. to presently Labour in earnest. Where are We now? At the advent of An XCVIII We boldly step forward into a New Century. In 2000 e.v. the Plan that began in 1900 e.v. came to fruition. The end product is N.U.I.T.. Nations United In Thelema is a Grand Assembly of Masonic Brother's and Sister's of a New Age. It is a Tressel board upon which the plans for a Greater Humanity are Engraved. Now any Masonic Order's stemming from the Order of Thelema and those they Will to Recognize can Unite in Bliss. Now the Formula of L.P.D. has Manifested fully with the Priestess re-assuming Her Proper Place in the Orders of the Future. After all, could it be coincidence that the Masons and Witches of Old both called their Great Work the Craft?

Yes, L.P.D. was a formula of Minor importance in 1900 e.v. but today it can be seen as N.U.I.T.'s Major Practical Value. The Crowned and Conquering Child manifested in Forever Ascending Spirals!