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Caeli Manor: Home to the Obsessive

Welcome to my page.


What's New
What's There?
Um.... the stuff that's new with the site....

Kativic Caeli's Humble Luke Skywalker Page
What's There?
Fan fiction, clone adoption center, post cards, "humor", pictures, interviews, an award, links, etc.

My Tribute To Cute Guys
What's There?
Pictures of cute guys! Plus the age difference between them and me.

My Original Artwork
What's There?
My artwork. Things I've drawn, or things I've messed with on PhotoShop.

My Duran Duran Tribute
What's There?
Picture from their July 30th concert at King's Dominion.

Robby, Ancell, Kameko
What's There?
My babies! Robby (a Luke clone), my first "born." Ancell (a Luke clone), my second child. And Kameko (a Leia clone), my third and final "baby."

My Survey
What's There?
My survey. It's kind of like a guestbook, only all the messages are all confidential

My Cyber Pets
What's There?
My cyber pets that I've adopted (not my clones, they aren't pets)

About Me
What's There?
Ummm... stuff about me, useless facts, ya know, the basics. Plus my Halloween pictures! Fuuuuuun....
