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"And these children that you spit on, as they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations, they're quite aware of what they're going through"
-David Bowie, "Changes"

Alan, aka astrophile :). She loves Phish, so that's an automatic two thumbs up. im going to finish this as soon as i get the rest of the pics up though, so don't worry alan, this will be finished soon! :P

This is Andrea. Or Andymart, as i dubbed her after reading her email addy. Andymart is one of the few kickass people in winchester who just recently decided to help litter the downtown area on Friday nights with the rest of us townies. Even though she still has no idea how to get around down there =P Her car is very small, so don't try to point to anything in it, or you'll lose a fingernail. And she has a VERY bad habit of shutting peoples arms in windows. I'd have to say that's her biggest flaw. Andrea takes up many professions, such as airline pilot-ing, and fly catching =P. You're cool Doobz. You know it.

Wh0p. This is Becca. The easy way to put it would be: Becca kicks ass. She is one of the many fabulous people i was lucky enough to meet on #agog. 2 o'clock (a.m.) conversations with her are loverly (I don't know what I would do in those morning hours without them ;) ). With a habit of walking to bars at 11:30 at night, Becca is just one of those people you can't help but love talking to. I think her slogan should be "Got Ass?" =)

Beckly!! Becky's an awesome soccer gal that I got to know last year. She's awesome all out, and the fact that she likes Weezer is just proof that she's cool. She gots madd soccer skillz too! Gotta see her in action in order to see the total damage that she can do on the soccer field. Stay outta her way, or she'll show your ass up!

Ahhhhh!! It's Batgirl!! I nominate Emmy as most likely to take over the world. This is yet another awesome person which I met on #agog (don't the best people just seem to come from here?). She is a wonderful artist (from what I've seen on her webpage.. it's great stuff), and an excellent writer. With an imagination like no other, and knowledge on Greek mythology (or is it incestialism?), Emmy is most certainly on her way to world domination. Can I have a Whats Up for Batty?

My oh my.. what ever do I say about Jen? She makes a great Voice #1, I can say that much. And she's really into ducks. Wow Jen, you know what? I think I'm going to talk to you tomorrow because I can't think of anything remotely interesting to put here at the moment =P

What can you say about Keth? You can find him doing many things ranging from humping guy's legs to scanning his ass.. quite the interesting mother figure. But never let him pick you up and carry you into another room, because he'll hit your head on a doorway =P. He's horribly ticklish though, so he can be gotten back at. Keth is a hokie this year, and it suits him well. Oh, by the way Kenneth, I still have your Remote Control shirt. I do believe you're going to have to put up a fight to get it back ;). Loffe ya Keth.

Kevin is the true definition of a gentleman. One of the most lovable people in the world, Kevin is just a sweetheart. His car has the most awesome tags ;). He is a senior this year though, so that means he leaves soon. *sniff sniff* But to top it all off, he wears fuzzy shirts, so it's all good =). Kevin dear, I wish you the best of luck in that evil government class. Go Tarzan!

Kt is just one crazy Madame floozy. Don't ever tease her with money, because she will kick your ass. /me shrugs.. well, at least she kicked my ass =P She is just a great person that can make just about anyone laugh. Kt also likes Squirrel Nut Zippers, so I can't say her taste of music is bad at all ;). Currently going to Penn. St. and getting in trouble by being in the boys bathroom, we hope that Kt hasn't forgotten the little people of Winchester =)

Lisalisabobisa. It feels like I've known Lisa forever (only since 7th grade though). We've been playin' softball together for about 3 years (Andrea had to quit and didn't play last year. Fooey on Andymart =P), and it's been funn. Also known as 'the whore', Lisa is just a freak. Lisa goes ice-skating with me on my front lawn, which was funn stuff (even though I had to pick up all the silly string :P). She's a kickass volleyball and softball player. Hopefully I can convince her to play soccer with me during the spring. /me crosses her fingers. C'mon Lisa, give it a whirl.. you'll love it, I promise. Working at Subway (hell on earth if I ever saw it), she gets aggrivated when people come in and make more mess for her to clean up. *coughcoughgeraintcough* I've got some Oreo's and Dr. Pepper leftover from the party if you want some, Lisa ;)

Marimari!! I think it's safe to say that Mari pretty much lives with her computer on. Mari is yet *another* amazing person that I met on #agog (this is the place for great people, I can guarantee). Mari eats yogurt raisins and drinks Diet Coke, but I suppose we can forgive her for this. She is a wonderful person (though I have yet to meet her outside of a computer), and writes beautifully :). Mari has a nosering now, which is cool shit. She somehow managed to talk me into (for lack of a better term... perhaps I should say that she made me rethink?) taking the classes required to at least have a chance at UW@M. It's her fault that I've decided to take a language again (and give my homework a little thought), so I suppose I should thank her for that. So, Thank You Mari =)

JessicaRane. She's a journalist, which automatically makes her kickass. Yet another Agogian (there's a lot of them, eh? hehe.), Jess helped me with my contacts the first night that I had them (I haven't had them in since :P). this will be finished later when i'm not falling asleep at the keyboard.