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Radiohead MP3's.

First off let me say I'm only adding SOME songs. Personally I would hope these songs would inspire people to go out and buy the WHOLE album. These are just 2 or 3 songs from their albums. I also would like to point out it is a growing concern of our government (being USA) about MP3's and what people are doing with them. So support the government and download as many as you can and make some more to add! (If this seems to contradict what I said above, well who cares? hahaha. Go have fun!)

Oh yeah for these to run properly you will need to take some time out of your BUSY lives and go out and download WinAmp. So please take the time to get it so you can get the FULL pleasure of listening to Radiohead. One last thing. These are full verison so therefore might take some time to download. Can't wait. As before, WHO CARES?

Pablo Honey


Prove Yourself

Vegetable (Live)

The Bends

Planet Telex

Nice Dream


Karma Police

No Surprises

Paranoid Android

Some Misc. Stuff


Banana Co.


Lozenges of Love