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"UFOs: The Secret Agenda" now published in Uruguay and ready to be read in Latin America


It was really the result of a sincere effort but above all, a matter of friendship and the fulfillment of a word given.


A special recognition goes to our colleagues Ufologists of the "Fundación Anomalía" from Spain, who sent all the material digitalized and ready to be printed.


An enormous thanks goes to Guillermo and Andrés Artigas, the owners of the printing company Tradinco, who published the book without cost for the author. Deep appreciation goes to Jorge Escobar for his diligent work of keeping all the material to be published and to the patient work of Verónica Alfonso, who made the digital edition of the material with some changes in the text, the Index and adding new material, plus the confection of the book cover after an original idea of Juan-Pablo Hourcade.


Also recognition goes to Gustavo Fuentes, the owner of Gussi Libros, in charge of the distribution of the book. Without his efficient work the book wouldn't be in the hands of the readers.


Finally, a note of thanks to the publicist Ramón Borges, who made arrangements for the vast majority of the interviews done to the author of the book.


13 radio programs, 3 TV programs, and one newspaper did the interviews. Also the important newspaper "El País"published an article in his Sunday edition, one of the best sold. And a review of the book would be published in the separate edition of "El País - Cultural" that appears every Thursday.


"OVNIs: The Secret Agenda" is written in Spanish and you can request your copy from Gussi Libros sending an e-mail to



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