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 SMU Dedman School of Law

         A A L S A

  Asian American Law Students Association


Found in 1999, AALSA is the first Asian American Student Organization at SMU Dedman School of Law. AALSA builds it foundation on promoting the interest of the Asian American Law School Students as well as the many other minority interests at SMU Dedman School of Law. In AALSA, you will find more than an ordinary school organization. You will find support networks of friends helping friends, students sharing experiences, alumnus helping new graduates, upperclass men leading first years, and above all people lending an open ear and empty shoulder. AALSA is a social organization that hosts a variety of parties and dinners during the school year. AALSA is a humanitarian organization that has donated funds and volunteered effort to many good social causes. Most importantly, AALSA is an opportunity to build relations that will last beyond your three years in law schools and extend to the rest of your lifetime. Membership is free and open to all SMU Law Students regardless of race, ethnicity, color, age or class. We invite you to share with us and laugh with us.





Mission Statement                                    




Upcoming Events


Outline Bank


Photo Album



