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Cyprus, the Island of Venus

Cyprus is an island on the right corner of the Mediterranean sea close to Europe, Asia and Africa. The nearest countries are Greece, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon.
Cyprus is an island of great beauty and love. The people of Cyprus are warm, friendly and hospitable. Cyprus is blessed with natural beauty that ranges from golden beaches and rugged coastlines to rolling hills and forest clad mountains with snow, dotted with beautiful villages. An island chosen by the mythical gods and goddesses of Ancient Greece who indulged themselves here in sport pleasure and tragedy. Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, emerged from the Pafos foam to become a famous cultural figure.
Phaphos Church

Phaphos Castle
Cyprus has a dramatic history of 9000 years of constant invasion. Mycenean Greeks settled here over 3,000 years ago establishing the Greek civilisation on the island. In 1925 Cyprus became a Crown colony of the UK. In August 1960 Britain granted Cyprus its independence after the guerilla war against the British. In 1974 Turkey took the northern third of the island, forcing 180,000 Greek Cypriots to flee their homes. Now Cyprus is divided into two countries - the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (recognised only by Turkey) and Republic of Cyprus. Nicosia is the only city in the world, capital of two countries. Cyprus is now moveing towards full membership of the European Union.

Cyprus is littered with reminders of the island's cultural history. Relics from every era - Greek temples, Roman mosaics and 15th century religious frescoes - influence the artists of today. Many villages specialise in a particular artform, and as you travel around Cyprus you'll see pottery, silver and copperware, basket weaving, tapestry and Lefkara's famous lacework.
Magnificent theatre at kourion, 2nd century

Water Park
Cyprus climate is typically Mediterranean, with very hot summers in July and August. Most of the year is dry, with unpredictable rains falling in December, January and February. Cyprus often suffers drought years. Here Sun shines eleven months in the year.

Cyprus is a paradise for the sports. Sports include angling, sea sports, golf, cycling, sailing/yachting, swimming, hiking/nature trails, and a lot of water sports.

Water Park

Cyprus Carnival

Cyprus Carnival

Cyprus Carnival

Some Facts about Cyprus.

Crime : Unbelievable 0 (zero) %
Main Industry : Tourism
Other Industry : Agriculture, cement, clothing, shoe
Area : 9251 sq km
Population : 885,800
Capital city : Lefkosia (Nicosia) (pop 48,220)
Language : Greek
Religion : Greek Orthodox
GDP : US$6.3 billion
Annual growth : 6.5%
Currency : Cyprus pound
Government : Democracy
President : Glafkos Clerides
When to Go : April to October

Do you like to learn greek,
the language of Mathematics


Αα - alpha
Ββ – vita
Γγ - gamma
Δδ – delta
Εε – epsilon 
Ζζ - zita
Ηη - etta
Θθ - theta
Ιι - yiota
Κκ - kappa
Λλ - lamda
Μμ - me
Νν - nee
Ξξ - ksee
Οο - omikron
Ππ - pee
Ρρ - ro
Σσ - sigma
Ττ - taf
Υυ - ypsilon
Φφ - fee
Χχ - he
Ψψ - psee
Ωω - omega
Some Greek Words

Kariosto : Welcome
Kalimera : Good Morning
Kalispera : Good Evening
Efkaristo : Thank You
Signomy : Sorry

Ι-ι , Υ-υ, Η-η, ΟΙ-οι, ΕΙ–ει, are all pronounced like the english E.
Ε-ε, ΑΙ-αι, are both like the french é.
ΟΥ-ου is like the english oo . 

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