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~Uni Topia~ Reloaded

>New Features
(Month of April) Today YOU visited ~Uni Topia~, yay!

We have a new layout!

The new layout was made by Meowzers herslef!


We have started our new role play! Check events for more info!

The web site has been updated alright! New contests and winners soon to come.


[-] ~Uni Topia~
[-] About
[-] Events
[-] Contests
[-] Adoptions
[-] UT Points
[-] Shops
[-] Neln
[-] Uni Love

[+] Essentials_________________
[-] Adopts
[-] Banner
[-] Blinkies
[-] B&W Bin
[-]Newbi Packs
[-] Uni Topia News Paper


~Uni Topia~
Founded: 11/07/2000
Members: Over 4,00
Council: 5 members
*New* Mascot: Mementh
Old Mascot:Mistikal
Pet of the Month: Click Here
Member of the Month:girlientexas

Owner: Meowcat
Second Council: minilopsilverbunny
Third Council: star_lily
Fourth Council: Hl490
Fith Council:girlientexas

Ultimate Wish: To stay the number one Uni Guild and help out neopets everywhere!
Needs: You, to be in our guild!

>Guild Favorites
Guild Favorite Items!:

Since ~Uni Topia~ is the bigest Uni guild we get alot of neo-mails asking us questions **Please** read this before you neomail, just in case it answers your question :)

> Quick Link to ~Uni Topia~

Follow these instructions:

  1. Click somewhere in the text area above
  2. Press Ctrl + A
  3. Press Ctrl + C
  4. And Press Ctrl + V where you want the banner to appear

You can then neomail me, Meowcat with your site page URL and banner URL (you don't have to have a banner). Also if you would like a different banner/blinkie to choose from go to the "banners" section under "guild".

>Site Info
Site Made By

HTML/CSS used from

Graphics used from

_Internet Explorer 6.0 +
_Pictures Enabled
_Animations Enabled
_Normal Text

_Size: 10px (or 8pt)

Special Features
_"Div" Tags
_Graphic Enriched

~*~Welcome To Reloaded~*~

Hello and welcome to the *NEW* ~Uni Topia~ guild web site! Our web site will help provide information on our guild and neopets in general. The ~Uni Topia~ guild, is a guild that trys to help all of our members. It doesn't matter if you are a new member or on the council, you will get the information that you seek. Everyone is welcome in our guild. We are not just a Uni guild like some may think. We like to reach out to all pets and help them become the champions that they are! Our guild provides contests, shops, tips, html help, and alot more . So please look around and see how great the ~Uni Topia~ guild really is!

Uni Points

The Top Leading Members With **Uni Points**!

All of the Uni Points have now been reset for the year 2005.

Paint That Pet

>Adoption House


Uicess the Green Uni

Uicess currently has:3,000np donated to her. Her color will be: Christmas!!! Out of 75 votes 30 of you said that you thought she would look the best Christmas style!

Paint That Pet: PTP is a goal. Ever so often we adopt Unis from the pound. Unis that have been hurt and mistreated. We take them and make them feel better by painting them a new color, feeding them, giving them petspets, and finding them new loving homes. The pet above is the newest Uni selected for this great award!

The End

Leaving? Well, I hope you really enjoyed your stay at the ~Uni Topia~ guild webbie. Please come back soon. Oh, before I forget, remember to link back :)

| Neomail |

Goodbye, and come back soon.