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Standard of Perfection



(Show standard)

HEAD: The head should have an oval sweep showing frontal, but not too abrupt or angular.  It should have good back skull, not dropping off too sharply but curving continuously back, blending well into the neck.  The top of the head should not be too round or flat, but continuing the oval sweep.

BEAK: Medium, strong at the base.  A dark strip on upper mandible is permissible with light beaks being preferred.

EYES: The eye should appear to be slightly forward of the center of the hed.  Wealth of feather in back skull and neck gives this appearance. The eye should be pearl.  Bull eyes are acceptable in whites.  The eyes should show an alert, intelligent expression.  Eye ceres should be fine and light colored.  They should be smooth in texture.

NECK: The neck should be in proportion to the body size.  It should be full, giving the neck a thick appearance. The neck feathers should have a high luster.

BODY: The body is larger than the Birmingham Roller, being of medium size. Hens should weigh from 9 to 13 oz. and cocks from 12 to 16 oz.  It should have a fairly broad chest which tapers down to form a wedge.  The keel should not be deep or protruding, but flat and curving into the vent.  The body is more horizontally held rather than upright, giving the bird a sleek look.  A bird that has poise (looks long) and has a sweep from the neck to the tip of the tail.

BACK: The back should be broad and blend into the width of the tail.  The back is short and the tail is held away from the wings and the ground.  Viewing the bird from the side there should be a sweep from the head down, and continuing out to the tip of the tail. This gives the bird a concave appearance.

WINGS: The wings are carried below the tail.  They should blend well into the body with no protruding wing butts. Wings should be carried below the tail.  The flights are carried slightly off the ground.

TAIL: The tail is somewhat long and should be carried slightly elevated, contributing to the sweeping appearance of the bird.  There should be at least 14 tail feathers with no more than 22.  The width of the tail at rest should be the same width as the shoulders.  The feathers should be layered to form an arch, or stepped effect.  There should be no oil gland.  The split tail feather is permissible, but not preferred.

LEGS: Medium in length.  Set apart to give good balance. Show birds being free from grousing.

FEATHERS:  The feathers should be hard, shiny, and appear to be loosely packed.  The tail and flight feathers are long and should be springy and hard.

GENERAL IMPRESSION:  This is one of the most important facets of the bird as it encompasses the entire bird.  Showing proper style, carriage, and station, from the head to the tip of the tail, and legs are all in proportion to one another.  The bird's overall appearance should have the style characteristic of the breed. It should give the appearance of the ability to fly.

FAULTS:  Out of condition.  Presence of lice, or mite holes.  Crooked keel.

DISQUALIFICATIONS:  Wings carried above the tail. Presence of an oil gland.  Less than 14 tail feathers.  More than 22 tail feathers.  Odd eyes.  Sickness of the bird.

COLOR CLASSES: Black, Dun, Red, Yellow, Barred, Check, Almond, Sprinkle, DeRoy, Grizzle, White, T-Pattern, Ash, Mark, A.O.C., Opal, Cream, and Andalusian


General Impression  25
Body, Back, Wings, Feathers, Legs  20
Condition  17
Tail  15
Color  13
Head  10
                                       Total 100
Points are not to be totaled per individual bird.  Points are only to show importance in ranking features for judging.

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