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A message to you-

You were wrong. Wrong again. What a surprise, but you were wrong again. Take this as me letting go, of me being done with you. Don’t flatter yourself into thinking its more. Hypocritical? Of course you are. Blind? Without a doubt. You cried so damn loud of self-inflicted wounds in a desperate attempt to be heard, to find meaning for your drama-induced, petty lives. I guess we all have to justify our existence somehow, its just too bad that yours was done in such blatant ignorance. Thanks for the predictions, but, wrong again. Feel that sting? That slight little twinge you try and ignore? Yeah, you were wrong.

You were wrong. Hypocrisy is a sign of blind stupidity. You took semi-assembled facts and what you believed to be absolute truths, and begin to equivocate on the term “evil”. Point your finger everywhere. Wish horrible events on anyone you can, just as long as you don’t have to realize that by doing so, you are acting worse than what you’re protesting.

You were wrong. How is it that someone who claims to be so in tune with everything can ignore so much? You blind little sheep. You fucking pigs. You take to the trough full of shit, just as long as there can be drama in your life. I hope you drown in it. You don’t even seem to care, you can’t swim, and you’re drowning. I hope it sucks you, fucker, I hope it sucks you down. Good luck.

You were wrong. You had to take happiness, covet it, do whatever you can to ruin it, as long as it satisfies you. Eat up. Claim you were wronged, or whatever it is that is making you wail so loud. You were so loud. Yeah I’ll miss you. I’m gunna miss you. Damn you were loud.

You were wrong. Remember? How I wouldn’t stay by what makes me complete and whole and alive? That in a fickle fascination I would drift away like an undercurrent? Remember all that? I’m still here. Feel that little pain? How’s it feel? You were wrong. All of this, and you were wrong. Hope this is what you had in mind.

You’re blind
You drown
Like sheep you wander around
praying for plight and pain
so that you can cry
and be heard again
I hope all of the shit you feed off of
drags you down
I hope you drown
and I hope you finally realize
the last thought you have is

"I was wrong."

Yeah, this is about you.
