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Welcome to my homepage!
Feel free to look around.

My wife and I

Thanks for visiting my site. It isn't much, but I do try and keep it up to date. It is coded in simple HTML, with very little JavaScript. The one exception for the moment is the welcome text that should be displayed if you entered your name in the opening prompt (if you didn't, it will say "NULL"). In the near future I will recreate this index page in Flash to make it more appealing. I apologize for the pop-ups, they are a requirement of the host (Angelfire).

For those who don't know me, my name is Justin Dennis and I am currenlty residing in Provo, Utah. I'm 23, and a Computer Science major with a specialization in Computer Programming in Java, C++, Visual Basic and Web Languages, as well as SQL and Oracle. I have been married for two years to my lovely wife Amber.

This site is primarily personal, containing a few links to my family, although I haven't had time (too lazy) to get all the pics sifted through and scanned in. Some are a about 3 years old, but most are recent.

There are other links here as well: an updated resume, a general hobbies page and the latest addition...the trains! Please be patient because the pages will take a while to load, and some are graphics intensive. So take a look around, make yourself at home, but please clean up after yourself.

This site is best viewed in 1024x768 or higher resolution.

Justin Dennis
Thanks for visiting.