My name is Gen. I live in Utah. I have been married
for 3 years to Shane. We have no children, only a
scallywag of a perpetual puppy, named Toby. I have lupus.
I am currently employed as a Para-educator (AKA Teachers
aide)for the Special Education Preschool Program.
My husband is Shane. We have been married for 3 years.
He is a teddy bear! He is a trucker. He enjoys bowling,
anything with big engines and someday hopes to learn to fly.
He nearly always wears green t-shirts. And loves steak!
My family consists of my extended family; my brother,
sister and their families, and my dog, Toby.
My family
is a very important part of my life.
Without them I don't
know how I would get by. I love them very much,
and I am grateful every day to have them in my life!
I have many friends from as far back as when I was three
years old. Some I have just recently met. All are a wonderful
influence on my life. I cherish each one. I will tell a little
about them and special links to their personal websites.
In the lupe: In 1984 I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosis.
At times it has been difficult and I have been very ill.
Other times, I seem fine and have few effects visible.
With the help of medication and a positive outlook, life is pretty normal (whatever that is!)
Everything Else!