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Coffee Chat with Satan

Does Hell Exist?

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About Tabrina

Byron Katie

Neal Donald Walsch

Coffee Chat with Satan...

A new revelation from Satan

Satan has a new message for the world. He is not the evil creature he has long been characterized to be for centuries. In fact, he is a figment of "organized religions" imagination..

There is an entity however, who prefers to be called Lou who will speak in Satans behalf as if he were real. He is willing to do so for the sake of communication and clarification. Many humans are terrified of Satan. Lou would like them to know he does not exist and he has no intention of harming anyone.

Thus our conversations have started, Lou and God and me. They are fluid, casual, and address many of my own insecurities and esteem issues. I have found Lou to be kind to a fault, humorous, sarcastic and fun. God is, of course...God.

This form of communication is called channeling and there is nothing mystical about it. In fact anyone can do it. I know there are people who prefer to see psychic sensing as mysterious. A gift that was bestowed to some but not others. This, however is not true. We are all psychic - we all have the gift. When we are not carrying the illusion of an earth body, we are totally telepathic. Some of us remember our telepathy more than others. That is the only difference between us. Verbal communication can be very clumsy. But with telepathy - there is no mistunderstanding.

I am sharing my conversations with Satan online for one purpose only. In the hope that the fear that keeps some people trapped and terrified in the night will abate and that they will find freedom from the ridiculous and wicked stories perpetuated by organized religion. There is no Satan. There is no devil. We are free.

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