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Make a Difference, help a child!


The most difficult time to be generous is when we ourselves are feeling poor. While some of us have experienced actually being in the red financially, there are those of us who would feel broke even if we had a million dollars in the bank.

Either way, as the old adage goes, it is always in giving that we receive. Meaning that when we are living in a state of lack, the very gesture we may least want to give is the very act that could help us create the abundance that we seek.

One way to practice generosity is to give energy where it is needed. Giving money to a cause or person in need is one way to give energy. Giving attention, love, or a smile to another person are other acts of giving that we can offer. After all, there are people all over the world that are hungry for love.
Please visit these sites and do what you can, whether you give money, time, items, it all helps in making this a better world. These are based in AZ, but there are many organizations across the country who need your help.

  • Phoenix Children Projects(helping kids)
  • Standup for Kids, is an organization that helps homeless children and teenagers in AZ
  • One Warm Coat, is an organization that collects coats for people who are in need of them.
  • Sojourner Project, A shelter for abused Women and Children
  • Pajama Program, is a wonderful program that collects PJ's for kids who need them.
  • Homebase is an organizations that help homeless youths up to 21 years old
  • Quote of the day!

    Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting. Brian Tracy
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