The Activists Against Animal Exploitation web page
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Activists Against Animal Exploitation

Welcome to The Activists Against Animal Exploitation web page.First off, we would like to excuse the mess this page is still under construction and presently is not up to date.As soon as we get things organized it will be updated weekly.If you have any information you think might be helpful or wish to be added to the weekly online newsletter "Animal Rights Education" send your e-mail to Thank you!

Quote of the Week: "Going Vegan is the best thing people can do for their health,the enviroment,and of course the Animals."

ATTENTION persons in the Salt Lake City click here

260 million acres of US forest have been destroyed to create cropland to grow feed for animals who we be killed for our meat-centered diet.

To produce a single hamburger patty, it takes enough fossil fuel to drive a small car 20 miles and enough water for 17 showers.

85% of annual US topsoil loss is directly associated with raising livestock.

Livestock production consumes more than half of all water used for all purposes in the United States.

Excessive protein intake has been implicated in the development of osteoporosis, kidney disease, and cancer.

Women who consume meat daily have almost four times the chance of developing breast cancer as women who eat little or no meat.

Cattle feed routinely includes shredded newspaper, cement dust, feathers, sawdust, "plastic hay," and processed manure.

About 90% of oats, 85% of corn, and 80% of soybeans grown in the US are fed to livestock.

15 vegetarians can be fed on the amount of land needed to produce a meat-centered diet for one person. The food that could be saved if humans consumed plant foods directly would be enough to feed the starving people of the world many times over.


captive-bolt head stunning: a "pistol" is set against the animal's head and a metal bolt hits them in the head. Trying to shoot a terrified, struggling animal is difficult, and the bolt often misses its mark or is not of sufficient power to cause unconsciousness, thereby injuring the animal and causing tremendous pain. cardiac arrest stunning: kills the animals by stopping the heart, and animals can feel painful heart attack symptoms. Insufficient electric current results in conscious, yet paralyzed animals. electrical head stunning: this type of stunning is reversible, and animals can regain consciousness when they are not bled immediately due to handling problems. ritual slaughter: animals are fully conscious when their jugular veins are cut. This is supposed to cause immediate unconsciousness within five seconds, but often fails to do so. Animals are often shackled by one leg and hoisted upside down before their throats are cut, often resulting in broken bones.

Activist Arena (click on area in which you would like to enter)

Section I: Vegan recipes and other info on Veganism

Section II: Addresses and information on other Animal Rights Organizations around the world

Section III: Information on how you can help out imprisoned animal rights activists

Section IV: Information on how you can get groups and organizations started in your area

Section V: The Guide To Compassionate Shopping(a list of all companies that contain no animal products and do not test on animals)

Section VI: List of books and zines to help you learn more about animal rights

Section VII: What can you do to help the Animals?? find out here

Section VIII: Current Campaigns and Calender of Upcoming Events

Related Links

The PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Homepage
The Vegan Outreach Homepage
The Vegan Action Homepage
The Animal Rights Direct Coalition Homepage
The Youth for Animal Liberation web page

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click here to see how you can help imprisoned activists

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Activists Against Animal Exploitation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the abolishment of using animals for our consumption,entertainment and vanity.We set up local protests and educate people in the Salt Lake City area.For more information e-mail us.

If you have any questions,comments,suggestions or want to be added to the weekly online newsletter "Animal Rights Education" Email me at: