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The Fiction
Stories with a * are new.


A Love Found of Friendship
After Oz commits the ultimate betrayel, Willow learns that true love is closer then she thought,in the form of friendship. PG-14

A Love Found In Frendship 2 *


Los Angeles
Willow goes to LA and stuff happens. NC-17

Watching Willow
Willow is being watched by Angel and Spike. NC-17

She's All I Ever Had
Angel and Willow find love together. NC-17


The Forbidden Love Series:
Healing Love
Angel sees Willow for the first time. PG-13

Please Forgive Me
Angel has to make a hard choice. PG-13

Don't Leave Me
Angel rushes to save Willow.

Time Stopped Still
There's a prophecy going down in Sunnydale... PG-13

Re-Surfacing Feelings
Angel's put his feelings for Willow behind him. Or had he?

The Heart and...Demon Series:
Red's Midnight Musings
Willow's looking for her :cough: soul mate:) PG-13

Red and The Three Vampires
Evil Willow's crossed into our world and looking for a place to spend the day, but she finds more than she bargened for. R

The Night After the Morning Before
The morning after the night before. NC-17

Killing Time
Willow and Angelus try to go shopping. NC-17

Immortal Desires
Willow thanks Angelus for her presents. NC-17

Images, Dreams and Feelings Series:
Angel's thoughts and regrets about Willow while he's in hell. PG-13

Sleepless Nights
Willow's having strange dreams. PG-13

Willow's on a mission. PG-13

Lonely No More
Willow cleans Angel up. PG-13

While Willow's nightmares have ended, Angel's have just begun. PG-13

The Wedding Series:
The Wedding
Willow's struggle to catch her plane. PG-13

Buffy Bashing!
Buffy and Xander want revenge....but it doesn't go according to plan. PG-13

Talk Show Time
Willow and Angel go on Jerry Springer! PG-13


The Weird Series:
Things Won't Get Weird
Lots of couples. NC-17


The Hell Series:
Hell On The Body
Angel's in Hell. R

Hell On The Soul
Angel's still in Hell. PG-13

To Hell And Back
Willow gets angel out of Hell. PG-13


The Watcher Series:
A Bit Odd
Willow goes to LA and surprises Angel. PG

Willow and Angel start training. PG

Willow's Fun Series:
The Captive
Angelus captures Willow. NC-17

Chance Encounters
Angelus and Willow meet again. NC-17

Slayer's Need Fun Too
This is a Buffy/Willow, but it's set during Willow's fun and is part of the story line. don't read it if F/F slash offends you. NC-17

Willow's Journals. Maybe PG

Fun in Cyberspace
Angelus and Willow talk by computer. Nc-17

Date Night
Willow and Angelus go on a date. NC-17

Laura Fones

Twist of Fate
Two people realize they belong. PG-13

Good-bye Love
What if the pain of losing her friends was too much for Willow? PG-13

Willow thinks about Angel. PG

Moments Can Make You
Buffy dies, Willow tries to save her. Whoops. PG-13. Unfinished.

In the Arms of a Monster
From Angel’s point of view on Willow. PG-13


Hidden Heroes
What could happen if Willow became the next slayer after Kendra died? R

Seeing the Greatest Few
This story was written as a response to a challenge to use the song I'll Back You Up by the Dave Matthews Band and contains no spoilers.

Your Beauty Blinds
This fic is based on what I think could happen if Willow and Angel fell for each other, instead of Buffy and Angel. The lyrics used are from Hole's 'Boys on the Radio.' R


Litany of the Scooby Gang
Willow meets someone in the hospital. PG


Mirror Images
Willow has Angel fix a problem. R

Saber ShadowKitten

Beltane has come again, and Willow brings Buffy to join the circle for the celebration. Willow/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Cordelia/Xander, Amy/Oz. NC-17

Willow's Touch
Willow is an Immortal who has been gone for many years. NC-17

One Wish
What would Willow wish for if she had the chance? PG

Family Dinner
Guess who's coming to dinner? Includes Buffy/Spike. G

Abracadabra Series:
Friendship Building
Willow is on a mission. Is Angel ready for her? PG

Winter Break
The party continues... PG

Jingle Bells
Buffy returns from Mexico to find a big change. PG

Jump, Jive an' Wail
A songfic interlude for Angel & Willow. G

The gang is attacked at the school. Will they escape alive? PG-13

In The Morning
Willow wakes up in a very intersting position. NC-17

Research Party
The gang turns their research party into a slumber party. NC-17

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