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~*Fics of the Rose*~

Yes! You have arrived at the place where many of the most riviting stories of Utena have come to pass, but not by a talented artist in Japan, but startight from the hearts of you, the fans! That's right! Here you can submit all your ingenious stories filled with plotlines that involve our duellist or the different people we have all encountered at Ohtori Gookuen.

We have right now ZILCH as in nadda as in numero zero fics! But that is because this page is new! So I want you all to get some great idea's and start typing to your hearts content and fill this section with your beautiful fics! Below is the criteria you should follow to keep this safe fun and exciting....maybe.


1) Make sure you have your name and email address sent in your email to me AND in your fic somewhere itself so your readers will know who to give credit to!


2) No hentai...ONEGAI SHIMASU!! I understand the plot around Utena and Anthy and I will respect that but please don't do anything that involves *extreme* themes! Remember ANYBODY can be reading these! Don't give Utena and bad name.


3) Keep your plots open don't enclose yourself to our stars and co stars...make up your own duellist! =D People eat that up!!


4) Finally...have fun! This is what the show is about fun loving and love induced teens seeking happiness so show some enthusiasm when writing your fics. I recomend that you play a song that invokes something like say if you are about to have a climactic battle, play Rinbu Revolution ad you'd be amazed how much say that song will inspire your writing! Me for instance, I write at my best when a song that revolves around the plotline is buzzing through my head.


So think you can do all this? Well then I think you're ready to send away! Click the link to my email below and send your fics in. :)
