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Plus Dealers

Name Location
AR +1 Karahn Near Stonehenge, go north, cross bridge.  Center of island.  Just west of the two mountains, in trees
AR +2 Seban ForgeLot Cross Orc bridge and follow river west.
RD +1 Rawlin North gate of RD, then East along wall and down.
RD +2 Dafyd Between entrance to desert and Deep One cave.  North side of trail.
SH +1 Centaur Blacksmith
Lord of the Markets
Centaur Town
check out SH maps on Yane's, his map has locations for him
SH +2 Centaur Blacksmith
Lord of the Markets
Centaur Town
check out SH maps on Yane's, his map has locations for him  North side of trail.
SH +3 Centaur Blacksmith
Lord of the Markets
Centaur Town
check out SH maps on Yane's, his map has locations for him

If your lost, or you just need some maps you can look at
just click on the map text or click on the button on the side

Attack Bonuses for +(Plus) Weapons
+1=16% of Base Attack/Archery
+2=30% of Base Attack/Archer
+3=50% of Base Attack/Archery

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