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To get a good fighter role use four these answers to the questions:

Once you answer the questions, take your time and roll as often as needed to get great starting stats.
Do not worry about stats Other than Str., End. and Agil., unless you intend to advance to a dual class
with your charcter. I usually look for a roll like this:

Strength : 22
Endurance: 20+
Agility: 19+
Wisdom: 12+
Intelligence: 12+


To roll that amazing Mage use four of these answers to the questions:

Once you get the right answers, roll until you are satisfied with all your stats. Make sure your primary
concern in rolling is your wisdom and intelligence.I try to shoot for as close to this roll as I can get:

Agility: any
Wisdom: 21+

Battle Mage:

To roll a batlemage use these answers:

I look for rolls like this:


Try these answers for a Paladin:

I have gotten this roll:

Agility: 16


STR: Strength; this affects how much damage you do with your weapons and how much weight you can carry in your backpack. Also, several weapons have strength minimums. Until you have reached that minimum, you can own the weapon but cannot wield it in combat. Primary attribute for fighters.

END: Endurance; this affects your hit points (a measure of how much damage you can take in combat). Some weapons and armors require a minimum of endurance before you can use them in combat. Useful attribute for everyone.

AGI: Agility; this measures your dexterity and general nimbleness. Agility is very important in combat since it modifies your Dodge skill (a skill that makes you harder to hit). Primary attribute for rogues; also useful for fighters.

WIS: Wisdom; this indicates how wise and "connected" with the gods and how insightful your character is. Several priestly spells (sometimes also called "miracles") have a minimum wisdom requirement. Primary attribute for priests.

INT: Intellect; this measures your character's intellect. Many spells have intelligence requirements; you cannot learn those spells until your intelligence has reached at least the minimum value. Primary attribute for wizards.

KARMA: This invisible attribute starts at 0 when you create your character and goes up or down depending on your actions in the game and the quests you undertake. You will never know what your Karma is at, but NPC sometimes hear about you and judge you on what they hear. If you cumulate negative Karma, good folks in the towns may not be friendly with you. Choose your quests carefully, or you might regret it later when you change your mind and want to take a different path.